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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 177 |主题: 40845|排名: 1 

电流模式模拟电路相关书籍 attachment  ...2 lne128a 2009-3-8 154306 Caroline11 2022-9-23 21:24
[资料] RF电路的PCB设计技巧 attachment ywt06034 2011-4-29 92919 Caroline11 2022-9-23 21:23
[资料] 详细的跨导运算放大器设计实例 attachment  ...23 michaeljoy0121 2011-6-8 247781 X。Zero 2022-9-23 20:48
悬赏 [求助] 哪位大神有TSMC 0.5um 61 的PDK阿 - [悬赏 200 信元资产] newlayout 2022-9-23 01347 newlayout 2022-9-23 20:36
[资料] 二级密勒补偿运算放大器 设计教程 attach_img  ...234 wongdy 2013-4-24 318729 X。Zero 2022-9-23 20:31
[求助] 求smic55n数模混合库 新人帖 圆脸宴宁 2022-9-23 01578 圆脸宴宁 2022-9-23 20:04
[资料] Current Feedback Operational Amplifiers_2013_newbook attachment  ...2345 bingfeng34 2013-6-8 4911379 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 18:06
[原创] [资料分享]Feedback Amplifier Principles - Sol Rosenstark(清晰版) attach_img  ...2 tecsiun 2021-8-22 144740 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 18:01
[求助] IEEE论文下载求助:Chopper-Stabilized Low-Noise Multipath Operational Amplifier with Dual Ripple Rejection Loops attachment Kevin_Yang 2020-5-22 72373 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:48
High-Performance Error Amplifier for Fast Transient DC–DC Converters attachment  ...23456..8 kunshouzzy 2008-10-15 7318344 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:45
Noise Analysis In Operational Amplifier Circuits attachment  ...23456..8 ic魅影 2008-12-23 7214317 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:40
rail-to-rail amplifier by Edgar Sanchez-Sineneio TAMU attachment  ...2 ducknie 2008-4-17 145013 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:39
[资料] Bias Current Generators with Wide Dynamic Range attachment  ...2 kevinwjs 2010-12-28 184486 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:29
[资料] rail-to-rail CMOS operational amplifier design attachment  ...23456..8 碧海情天 2010-4-22 7118815 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:20
悬赏 [求助] Analogue Electronic Circuits and Systems - [悬赏 20 信元资产] attachment  ...2 bubblegum 2013-2-6 206547 Ralphjh 2022-9-23 17:16
1-volt operational amplifier with rail-to-rail input and output ranges attachment  ...2 rommel_gong 2007-10-16 164764 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:11
[资料] A fully differential operational amplifier attachment  ...2 碧海情天 2010-4-22 124895 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 17:09
国外运放博士论文Design of an integrated full differential operational amplifier attachment  ...23456..21 linquln 2008-12-25 20834127 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 16:54
[原创] 经典1999博士论文: operational amplifiers attachment  ...2345 Areky 2010-4-21 4011271 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 16:50
Design of an integrated full differential operational amplifier attachment chrisdy 2009-2-9 32139 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 16:46
[求助] Brokaw论文中的一些小问题 attach_img 努力学ic的小叶 2022-8-8 91844 努力学ic的小叶 2022-9-23 16:44
IEEE paper - class AB CMOS amplifier attach_img  ...2345 zhangds 2008-3-19 4812348 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 16:40
[资料] Loop Gain, Input Impedance and Output Impedance of Feedback Amplifiers attach_img  ...23 et2234 2014-5-3 266100 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 16:29
悬赏 [求助] 求一篇古老报告——Theory of directional couplers - [悬赏 100 信元资产] joshuacp 2022-9-23 01361 joshuacp 2022-9-23 16:08
Frequency Response and Stability of Feedback Amplifiers attachment  ...23456..10 seabright 2008-8-2 9616284 jingxin_xd 2022-9-23 15:42
[资料] ABCs of ADC Design attachment eexiaolong 2013-2-19 92888 kenctd 2022-9-23 15:36
ESD FOR ANALOGUE CIRCUIT DESIGN attachment  ...23 ic2008 2008-8-12 286169 Caroline11 2022-9-23 12:58
一篇比较全面的介绍低压CMOS运放设计的文章 attachment  ...2345 hhuangyying 2009-3-7 409402 Caroline11 2022-9-23 12:53
[资料] 模拟集成电路设计——Cadence使用 attachment  ...23456..11 zlz 2010-5-17 10019174 Caroline11 2022-9-23 12:51
[资料] 准谐振分析四篇文章 attachment  ...2 kakool 2010-10-31 106342 Caroline11 2022-9-23 12:49
[原创] Cadence 版图必备 attachment electronicuwb 2013-8-18 22254 Caroline11 2022-9-23 12:47
[资料] Cadence常用元器件对应表 attachment 刘小庸 2013-3-31 43126 koala840816 2022-9-23 08:45
[资料] 发现论坛关于Ground bounce SSN noise资料很少故分享 attachment Vawell 2022-9-22 31847 joshuacp 2022-9-23 07:12
关于frac_N中prescaler的一些papers attachment momo166 2009-9-21 92878 auch0311 2022-9-22 19:18
[资料] System Dynamics (4th Edition) Katsuhiko Ogata (Aug 23, 2003) attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2011-8-16 185816 safetycar 2022-9-22 18:02
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