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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 64 |主题: 40842|排名: 1 

[资料] Berkeley ee142 Integrated Circuits for Communication+课件全 attachment  ...23 nnltshan 2015-7-27 2811832 narashimaraja 2022-10-2 01:46
[资料] 模拟集成电路必看 Berkeley EE142 Intergrated Circuits for communication attachment  ...23456 tigernk 2010-8-28 5718726 narashimaraja 2022-10-2 01:44
[资料] IC617 Hotfix Netdisk share II. - [阅读权限 20]attachment jacksonzh 2020-7-7 4163 ricvadim 2022-10-2 00:53
[原创] rhel6-ic617 Netdisk share update 20220928. attachment jacksonzh 2022-9-28 61720 ricvadim 2022-10-2 00:40
[求助] Frequency Domain Analysis of Fixed On-Time With Bottom Detection Control for Buck Converter attachment sisc1525 2022-9-23 92138 太玄感应 2022-10-1 22:25
[原创] IC视频分享 - Beyond All-Digital PLL for RF and Millimeter-Wave Frequency Synthesis by Robert Staszewski attachment transistor7 2022-7-10 91919 lewispoiuy 2022-10-1 21:13
悬赏 [求助] spectre211的Base版本有BUG,有无大佬分享个新的Hotfix - [悬赏 500 信元资产] 太阳0O 2022-8-17 12098 thomas9211 2022-10-1 20:40
[资料] OP补偿 attachment mydoc2013 2013-7-9 34130 jingxin_xd 2022-10-1 18:10
[资料] CMOS电路设计 、布局与仿真(第2版·第2卷) attachment  ...23 2014-3-22 216923 linhongwen1963 2022-9-30 22:28
台湾交大LDO博士论文  ...2 wangaa 2007-12-28 114790 qmax 2022-9-30 21:33
Behavior of MOSFET Transistors Described in Verilog-AMS attachment  ...234 kevinwjs 2009-10-13 319038 microuser 2022-9-30 19:44
PLL设计的学位论文(不错) attachment  ...23456 koto135 2008-5-5 5512854 microuser 2022-9-30 19:42
[资料] Cadence Op-Amp Schematic Design attachment  ...2 sfchen1969 2013-5-1 114281 Caroline11 2022-9-30 16:30
[资料] 集成电路模拟版图设计基础资料(不看后悔) attachment  ...23 yydlovefyh 2014-4-22 227805 linhongwen1963 2022-9-30 16:18
[资料] 运放的稳定性分析 attachment 明寿渝踪 2015-9-21 32270 auch0311 2022-9-30 16:13
OP_AMPS_AND_COMPARATORS_24 attachment  ...2 lxc531 2006-12-22 137051 auch0311 2022-9-30 15:54
[讨论] 自电容触控芯片 daigr 2015-12-17 32636 auch0311 2022-9-30 15:52
[资料] Verilog-A Behavior Modeling 論文 attachment  ...2 Bookert0921 2011-1-14 144081 jingxin_xd 2022-9-30 15:27
Complete_Wireless_Design attachment schwang 2009-3-25 52734 jingxin_xd 2022-9-30 15:18
悬赏 [求助] 求论文 - [已解决] attachment idaidayou 2022-8-22 52072 miaoya 2022-9-30 15:09
[求助] Please upload these 10 papers to me, Thank you very much. attachment hi_china59 2022-9-14 41254 hi_china59 2022-9-30 14:55
低功耗电路设计 attachment  ...23456..10 wangronga 2006-12-19 9716017 gps66 2022-9-30 14:17
[原创] 【电源管理集成电路及应用 上 下册】王水平 著【清晰pdg转pdf 300dpi】 - [阅读权限 5]attachment  ...23 benemale 2012-1-8 26486 缺口的八月 2022-9-30 14:09
[求助] ADS使用S参数进行眼图仿真 结果诡异 attach_img  ...2 happy/ed 2022-9-15 123397 renzhixiong 2022-9-30 13:46
[原创] Digital Compensation for Analog Front-Ends_A New Approach xuleiwx 2016-2-22 32147 auch0311 2022-9-30 13:38
[求助] 求书:Analysis and Design of Successive-Approximation ADC dongzz201 2016-1-11 32975 auch0311 2022-9-30 13:37
High-level design case of a switched-capacitor low-pass filter using Verilog-A attachment  ...2 rftop168 2008-12-26 185631 jingxin_xd 2022-9-30 12:24
[资料] A 128.24-to-137.00GHz Injection-Locked Frequency Divider in 65nm CMOS attach_img carveoutlove 2015-6-28 62310 jingxin_xd 2022-9-30 12:21
一篇UC Berkeley 的PLL Ph.D 论文 attachment  ...23 orioncherry 2009-7-12 246790 jingxin_xd 2022-9-30 11:32
for Digital Data Recovery Circuits using Verilog-A attachment  ...2 lizhaogui 2009-8-29 104223 jingxin_xd 2022-9-30 11:08
Verilog-A from SmartSpice Training attachment  ...2 ysliu168 2009-1-27 134948 jingxin_xd 2022-9-30 11:03
[资料] Wireless Communication Electronics by Example attachment  ...2 wfcawy 2014-1-9 183855 李依晓 2022-9-30 10:09
Digital Phase Lock Loops: Architectures and Applications attachment  ...23456..7 ntthlman 2007-8-9 6513573 dannymu 2022-9-30 09:45
[资料] TOPSWITCH 反激电源控制环路设计 attachment pdp123 2013-2-19 32691 Caroline11 2022-9-30 09:37
[资料] op for LPF attachment mydoc 2013-7-9 22107 Caroline11 2022-9-30 09:36
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