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Analog/RF IC 资料共享 今日: 107 |主题: 40597|排名: 1 

[资料] 【Springer】好书推荐,器件中的热载流子退化 hot-carrier-degradation-in-semiconductor-devices attachment  ...2 shinobi 2022-9-15 113275 lf19880813 2022-9-18 08:57
悬赏 [资料] 急求cadence里面可以用的tsmc90nm工艺库!!! - [悬赏 500 信元资产] 修士风清扬 2022-9-17 01365 修士风清扬 2022-9-17 21:29
[资料] 非常好的资料,半导体器件的失效模式 attachment  ...2 shinobi 2022-9-16 162620 kang.kang 2022-9-17 21:24
[资料] 运放仿真指导 attachment  ...2345 guxinyulong 2011-5-11 4813883 microuser 2022-9-17 19:13
再发一个Cadence的PI资料 attachment  ...234 wowowowo1215 2009-6-30 349012 microuser 2022-9-17 19:11
[资料] 《Reliability and Failure of Electronic Materials and Devices 》 attachment  ...23456 Capricorn0115 2010-5-26 5111396 wonringking 2022-9-16 23:51
[资料] 清华大学高等模拟集成电路课件 attachment  ...23 dazhi3824 2013-1-12 216882 Caroline11 2022-9-16 22:03
Simulating the Behavior of MEMS devices attachment  ...23 fengasic 2009-5-3 225213 Caroline11 2022-9-16 22:01
[资料] 1.6G 宽带全差分运放设计 attachment  ...2 helo123456 2009-5-27 184968 Caroline11 2022-9-16 21:58
[资料] 低于1V运放的设计资料 attachment  ...2 tianruo 2010-1-5 114449 Caroline11 2022-9-16 21:37
一个法国牛人的射频培训资料 attachment  ...2345 xhseu 2008-11-1 478581 Caroline11 2022-9-16 21:35
超大规模集成电路与系统导论 by John Uyemura attachment  ...23 malden2009 2009-12-4 246443 Enson52 2022-9-16 17:46
Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems--答案 attachment  ...2 kevinwjs 2009-9-30 117130 Enson52 2022-9-16 16:45
Practical Problems in VLSI Physical Design Automation attachment  ...234 mesmerism 2008-8-5 3710849 Enson52 2022-9-16 15:04
[资料] 爱荷华州立大学EE435模拟VLSI电路设计课件 attach_img  ...23 duoduo121 2021-3-13 266310 Enson52 2022-9-16 15:03
[资料] 关于VLSI设计工具的入门宝典 attachment ieeeorg 2015-3-26 42557 Enson52 2022-9-16 14:58
[原创] 有几本好书推荐一下, attachment  ...23 tanhang20102010 2010-8-11 205750 Caroline11 2022-9-16 13:01
AB类CMOS PA经典论文 attachment  ...2 zhuleiyacht 2006-11-8 185243 Caroline11 2022-9-16 12:58
初学者最好的Cadence教程 attachment  ...234 gengwd 2007-11-13 389284 Caroline11 2022-9-16 12:55
我收集的关于运放失调和漂移的论文资料 attachment  ...23456..7 raingosi 2008-12-10 6617761 Caroline11 2022-9-16 12:54
[资料] 高速高精度数模转换器资料 attachment  ...2 aszx 2015-3-19 124875 Caroline11 2022-9-16 12:49
[资料] 关于放大器失调和漂移问题分析的论文 attachment  ...23 skepire 2010-4-20 209246 Caroline11 2022-9-16 12:48
电荷泵电压转换你理解么? attachment  ...23456..7 amsMaster 2008-12-8 6116272 Caroline11 2022-9-16 12:46
硅可控开关元件与三端双向可控硅开关元件(pdf) attachment hierro_lian 2009-2-21 72493 Caroline11 2022-9-16 12:45
悬赏 [求助] ADC求助论文!!! - [悬赏 5 信元资产] attachment NJYYFC 2022-9-14 41681 waveguides 2022-9-16 10:19
[资料] 分享一篇讲sar adc algorithm with redundancy 的论文 attachment  ...2345 losting0302 2016-2-16 409452 miaoya 2022-9-16 09:28
[求助] 已解决 ldy777 2022-9-15 21233 david_reg 2022-9-16 08:50
发CRC press 2009尚未出版新书 Practical Matlab Applications for Engineers attachment  ...23456..8 tim_yeh 2008-12-13 7413179 xuxms 2022-9-16 08:41
[原创] 信号/电源完整性好书两本: Prentice Hall Modern Semiconductor Design Series - [阅读权限 10]attachment  ...23456..50 benemale 2008-6-10 4993185 ricvadim 2022-9-16 03:19
BiCMOS 设计PPT attachment  ...2345 yazai113 2008-3-8 4211634 cdting 2022-9-15 23:55
[资料] electronics - pll performance simulation and design attachment  ...2 lli3793 2015-3-27 123523 cdting 2022-9-15 23:50
放大器极零点与频率响应 attachment  ...23456..13 minist 2007-8-9 12122392 cdting 2022-9-15 23:49
微波EDA 微波滤波器的设计 attachment nicro 2009-11-15 42261 Caroline11 2022-9-15 22:05
[资料] 关于模拟集成电路的书 attachment qujiawei1988 2014-5-16 72480 Caroline11 2022-9-15 22:01
伯克利的bicmos资料 attachment  ...2 justinpanda 2007-5-7 124114 Caroline11 2022-9-15 21:49
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