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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 0|主题: 3411|排名: 212 

MC8051设计非常有用的资料(经典) attachment  ...23456..24 yingcui88373 2007-5-26 23436540 404_not_found 2022-11-18 14:40
[原创] 如果得到了cpu的硬件电路图纸 orientview 2022-11-17 2949 orientview 2022-11-17 10:11
Modern Compiler Implementation in C attachment qhl0222_cn 2011-3-4 62187 yuanpin318 2022-11-16 10:28
CPU架构设计群: 29304866 martinz 2009-3-23 12694 XIAOZZ 2022-11-15 11:38
cache 结构 attachment  ...2345 jiaruihit 2012-3-30 4810597 奋斗的小黄牛 2022-10-25 16:58
Cloud Computing, A practical approach attach_img  ...234 darrenxu 2010-5-5 316984 youzizhile 2022-10-16 12:07
操作系统概念(英文第9版)Operating System Concepts 9th Edition (Win 7) 2013.pdf attach_img  ...2 yue4875 2018-10-10 197023 youzizhile 2022-10-16 11:03
[下载]Prentice.Hall-Principles.of.Computer.Architeture attachment  ...23456..48 一声叹息 2004-3-18 47171607 youzizhile 2022-10-16 10:51
Computer Architecture_A Quantitative Approach 6th attachment  ...2345 qhl0222_cn 2018-2-20 438331 zhsh94 2022-10-11 07:38
Flash Memory Summit 2015 papers & slides attach_img agree  ...23 固执的寻觅 2017-2-11 204086 xlteam2 2022-10-9 09:16
[原创] Speculative Execution in High Performance Computer Architectures attachment ybchen08 2022-9-27 71663 lhyi 2022-10-7 16:28
cache结构 attachment  ...23456..10 xdoom 2012-3-12 9119576 tom0626 2022-9-19 23:17
gpio挂ahb gerry1812 2011-7-4 22417 badegg9 2022-9-19 09:32
Compilers.Principles.Techniques.And.Tools.(2nd) 编译原理的龙书.具权威性. attachment  ...2345 oop2000 2011-7-4 4812147 1072978274 2022-9-16 22:35
求资料:AHB Example AMBA System Technical Reference Manual BABA 2006-10-28 53078 durbin 2022-8-23 14:03
DDR PHY hxx52021 2015-4-1 63928 uzljuljz 2022-8-17 10:52
Fundamentals of Digital and Computer Design with VHDL attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2012-3-20 124166 ni2121 2022-8-16 21:12
ARM coresight introduction attachment  ...23 taxuewuhen1977 2011-6-6 279623 zlhrsy 2022-8-13 08:59
国外大学大数据、数据挖掘类课程--【信息存储和信息检索】 attachment  ...23 netshell 2015-3-2 205299 固执的寻觅 2022-8-8 17:20
[原创] U.C.Berkeley并行计算、异构加速研究报告 attachment agree  ...2 固执的寻觅 2016-12-2 165138 xlteam2 2022-8-1 23:31
Optimized ASIP Synthesis from Architecture Description Language Models attachment  ...2345 lianlianmao 2008-2-25 4210763 steven1977 2022-7-31 22:29
计算机体系结构量化基础【中文版】 attachment 曾义和 2012-11-21 93759 SWB1983 2022-7-30 11:24
《自己设计制作CPU与单片机》附录与配套源代码 attachment  ...2 zjllh 2015-7-9 124630 SWB1983 2022-7-30 11:20
ARM(Verilog & VHDL)源码大放送 attachment  ...23456..56 leopold2008 2008-11-23 55765326 gxay2000 2022-7-29 14:39
《Digital Logic And Microprocessor Design With VHDL》(无密码) attachment  ...23456..101 老扁 2006-1-6 1009138346 gxay2000 2022-7-29 14:33
[转贴] 苹果将在耶路撒冷设立新研发中心 andy2000a 2022-7-29 01192 andy2000a 2022-7-29 11:36
[转贴] 一些设计大牛这些年间_ Jim keller Gerard WilliamsIII, Raja Koduri andy2000a 2020-6-12 32526 andy2000a 2022-7-29 11:34
Xilinx FPGA设计快速入门— 十分钟学会设计Xilinx FPGA attachment  ...2 ttmentt 2008-11-18 124230 huatiantian 2022-7-25 20:16
[硕士论文]3D Graphics Tile Based Rendering for Embeded System attachment  ...2 qazwsxedc_1 2010-8-28 157166 straw 2022-7-23 14:24
Booth算法乘法器(组合逻辑和流水线两种) attachment  ...23456..13 liyun022 2006-8-28 12534567 cwy051731 2022-7-14 19:05
完整版sd协议 attachment  ...234 xiazhiru1983 2009-9-14 357798 dongsir 2022-7-13 15:36
[原创] Computer Organization and Design, 4th Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface attachment  ...23456..15 benemale 2010-9-13 14437144 szdgsz 2022-7-11 17:27
【老书】PDF原版 Moden processor design - Fundamentals of superscalar processor attachment  ...234 aureage 2016-9-12 3411565 huatiantian 2022-7-10 20:50
IEEE特邀中一篇不错的NoC讨论 attachment  ...23 porpoise 2011-5-9 246486 chinashixian 2022-7-9 19:13
In-memory processing andy2000a 2019-2-26 31766 piao 2022-7-7 23:27
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