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CPU设计杂谈 今日: 0|主题: 3411|排名: 214 

免费重发Booth乘法器(组合逻辑和流水线两种) attachment  ...23456..32 liyun022 2006-9-6 31451622 youzizhile 2021-11-15 23:29
计算机方面的一本经典教材Computer.Architecture.-.A.Quantitative.Approach.4th attachment  ...23456..7 xiaomifan 2010-12-11 6012701 youzizhile 2021-11-15 23:26
求cache的verilog代码 ys3663391 2006-4-27 86223 youzizhile 2021-11-15 23:08
[求助] 请问谁有PPC方面的资料和PLB6相关方面的资料 yyzst 2014-9-13 22716 dangwenjie 2021-11-11 11:08
Fundamentals of Logic Design, 6th Edition 2009 attach_img  ...234 hi_china59 2011-1-15 3210761 cdting 2021-10-31 10:43
开源软核学习笔记06(eetop开源软核走马观花,不求甚解)——2014_2_21 attach_img digest  ...23 oldbeginner 2014-2-21 2310019 zlhrsy 2021-10-30 20:31
最小系统的处理器选择 maxwell0419 2017-3-3 53342 huatiantian 2021-10-30 13:12
CPU流水线设计 资料大全 attachment  ...23456..16 xiaowei7001 2009-9-10 15729613 durbin 2021-10-26 17:48
《MIPS处理器设计透视》(《See MIPS Run》)第二版Quene中文版 attachment agree  ...23456..105 justdoit 2008-2-28 1045133328 durbin 2021-10-26 17:43
Computer Organization and Architecture 8th Edition attachment  ...23 sjtucat 2012-8-17 237445 cdting 2021-10-25 01:40
[原创] 【习题解答】Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface attachment  ...23456..17 benemale 2008-5-31 16348836 cdting 2021-10-25 01:36
操作系统概念(英文Essentials)Operating System Concepts Essentials (Win 7) 2011 attach_img yue4875 2018-10-10 63144 zhsh94 2021-10-24 09:18
操作系统概念(英文第8版)Operating System Concepts 8th (Win xp) 2009 attach_img yue4875 2018-10-9 92484 zhsh94 2021-10-24 09:16
[讨论]如何设计指令集  ...2 guanfree 2004-8-19 1912993 wspytu 2021-10-21 14:09
OpenRISC1200顶层结构图 attachment  ...23 kaikai1981 2008-2-3 289259 wspytu 2021-10-21 14:03
RF and Digital Signal Processing for Software-Defined Radio  ...2 saulz 2010-1-27 134709 dannymu 2021-10-11 09:18
Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists by Hayter 4th 2012 attach_img  ...2 hi_china59 2012-11-17 155053 szdgsz 2021-10-8 10:33
微型计算机硬件组成 attachment  ...234 tea_t 2007-2-26 3913602 Pangzzzi 2021-9-18 15:22
writing_testbench.pdf attachment  ...234 shan0304 2007-5-26 3310079 durbin 2021-9-9 18:21
请问下AVR和PIC的指令集专利期限是到什么时候? iamchine 2004-8-7 46346 meisk 2021-9-9 11:01
请教一下延迟槽和分支预测的问题 ma9453 2013-10-31 24898 wisen 2021-9-7 20:18
[原创] 分支预测和数据前堆在MIPS中的应用 attachment lj23ca15 2010-6-6 84324 wisen 2021-9-7 20:14
分支预测 attachment  ...2 pptwapaopa 2012-6-7 175750 wisen 2021-9-7 19:36
openrisc r2000 源码下载(verilog) attachment  ...2345 lucky2000we 2008-2-26 4613505 durbin 2021-9-7 16:09
OPENRISC1200 RTL代码 attachment  ...23 genghis 2008-7-1 296913 durbin 2021-9-7 08:57
瑞典林雪平大学关于OpenRisc1200的课件 attachment  ...23456..8 matlinsas 2012-7-14 7016525 durbin 2021-9-6 17:52
CACHE设计 资料大全 attachment  ...23456..15 xiaowei7001 2009-9-10 14027117 durbin 2021-9-3 13:40
MIT KrsteAsanovic 教授关于处理器流水线冲突的讲义 attachment  ...234 moonsinger 2008-3-13 308192 lans0625 2021-9-2 09:08
开源openrisc处理器光盘工程资料 attachment  ...2 lymwpc 2016-7-1 145063 durbin 2021-9-1 09:29
[ebook] Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design attachment  ...23456 deepcore 2009-10-8 5515221 durbin 2021-9-1 08:50
FREE:硬件描述语言Verilog第四版.pdf 中文版 attachment  ...23456..8 xudeqiang 2008-3-15 7316402 kenanou 2021-8-30 14:20
[原创] Intel 80386 Hardware Reference Manual-1987 attachment qhl0222_cn 2011-3-31 83927 leewy001 2021-8-29 20:14
[FREE] Embedded.System.Design. by. Peter Marwedel 《嵌入式系统设计》 attachment  ...23456..10 sinic 2006-8-21 9726087 wxl_123 2021-8-20 17:41
Parallel Computer Architecture 并行计算机体系结构 Lecture attachment  ...23456 kiky8611 2008-10-21 5311725 陌路寻香 2021-8-18 14:32
马里兰大学Risc CPU设计 attachment  ...23456 icqw1983 2010-9-4 5811897 lans0625 2021-8-17 14:28
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