每隔一段时间这个问题就出来一次啊. 继续贴这个经典解释了.
Assuming you are familiar with Verilog constructs, I'll explain it as follows. Assume we have a nand gate called NAND2 connected as follows:
NAND2 U42(.A(net1),.B(net2),.Q(net3));
In this case, the "U42" (the instantiation of the nand gate) would be considered the "inst", "NAND2" would be considered the "cell". "terms" and "fterms" are essentiallys "pins" but the difference is whether it is a pin of the "cell" (fterm) or the pin of the "inst" (term). The 'h' in "hinst" and "hterm" simply means it is hierarchical. For instance, say we have a top-level design "TOP" and a child "CHILD" connected as follows:
module TOP (in, out);
input in;
output out;
CHILD child_inst (.cin (in),.cout (out));
module CHILD(cin,cout);
input cin ;
output cin;
In this case, 'child_inst' would be an 'hinst' and 'child_inst/cin' would be an 'hterm'. However, 'CHILD' is still a 'cell' and 'CHILD/cin' and 'CHILD/cout' are still 'fterms'. Also note the 'TOP' is a cell and 'TOP/in' and 'TOP/out' are 'fterms'.
通过地址找名字. dbXXName. 比如: dbTermName
通过A地址找B地址. dbAB. 比如: dbInstTerm
通过名字找地址: dbGetXXByName 比如: dbGetInstByName
PS: 以上拼写可能有错. 习惯tab补全了. |