用totem跑动态IR Drop时出现下列报错
ERROR(PHY-002): Xtor snapping failed for some xtor pins. Please check 'adsRpt/GDS/xtor.pin_snapping_error.txt' for more details.
summary 中解释DIAGNOSIS: No overlapping poly or ndiff/pdiff geometries found for the xtor pins.
补全一下报错信息,具体log中error code 是PSE_NET_NOT_FOUND,下边解释是there are no geometries being traced for the net to which the device belongs to. As a result, no pin is being created for this device pin.
另外在后半段Setting up database for design data阶段log中还报了一个错,ERROR(CCL-069): All VDD and GND pins are floating. Design does not have any connected VDD or GND source! Redhawk extraction may fail later. 但是我是在仿真tb里给顶层接口定义了电源,为什么会报错floating呢?