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各位大哥 刚开始学设计LNA 想做一个NC的电路
前一级是一个共栅 仿真之后 增益和NF都正常
后一级是一个源简并 增益和噪声也是对的
但是用变压器一耦合级联 增益就变成负的了 不知道电路哪里有问题 忘各位大神不吝赐教
Warning from spectre during hierarchy flattening.
WARNING (SFE-1131): Duplicate scope option `scalefactor' with scope `TopCircuit'. (using last value specified).
WARNING (SFE-1131): Duplicate scope option `scalefactor' with scope `TopCircuit'. (using last value specified).
WARNING (SFE-1131): Duplicate scope option `scalefactor' with scope `TopCircuit'. (using last value specified).
WARNING (SFE-1131): Duplicate scope option `scalefactor' with scope `TopCircuit'. (using last value specified).
Time for Elaboration: CPU = 98.334 ms, elapsed = 98.335 ms.
Time accumulated: CPU = 1.93204 s, elapsed = 1.21886 s.
Peak resident memory used = 153 Mbytes.
Warning from spectre during hierarchy flattening.
WARNING (SPECTRE-17101): The value 'psf' specified using the 'checklimitdest' option will no longer be supported in future releases.