`include "constants.vams"
`include "disciplines.vams"
module jfet(d, g, s);
parameter real Vto = -2.0 from (-inf:inf); // Threshold voltage
parameter real Beta = 1.0e-4 from [0:inf);// Transconductance
parameter real Lambda = 0.0 from [0:inf); // Channel modulation
electrical d, g, s;
real Id, Vgs, Vds;
analog begin
Vgs = V(g,s);
Vds = V(d,s);
if (Vds <= Vgs-Vto)
Id = Beta*(1+Lambda*Vds)*Vds*(2*(Vgs-Vto)- Vds);
else if (Vgs-Vto < Vds)
Id = Beta*(1+Lambda*Vds)*(Vgs-Vto)*(Vgs-Vto);
I(d,s) <+ Id;
Unable to descend into any of the views defined in the view list, 'auCdl schematic', for the
instance 'I1' in cell 'esd_stimulate'. Either add one of these views to the library 'sim_wej',
cell 'esd_sim' or modify the view list to contain an existing view.