Reset 定义如下
set_dft_signal -view existing_dft -type Reset -port [get_port RSTN_PP ] -active_state 0 -test_mode all_dft
set_dft_signal -view spec -type pll_reset -port [get_ports RSTN_PP] -active_state 1 -test_mode all
Error: Line 524 (/tmp/__dft_drc.spf.SPIDERV5.outs.914), illegal context (Clock pin "RSTN_PP" can only be constrained to its off state). (V8-1)
Error: Line 541 (/tmp/__dft_drc.spf.SPIDERV5.outs.914), illegal context (Clock pin "RSTN_PP" can only be constrained to its off state). (V8-2)
Error: Line 558 (/tmp/__dft_drc.spf.SPIDERV5.outs.914), illegal context (Clock pin "RSTN_PP" can only be constrained to its off state). (V8-3)
Error: Line 575 (/tmp/__dft_drc.spf.SPIDERV5.outs.914), illegal context (Clock pin "RSTN_PP" can only be constrained to its off state). (V8-4)
set_dft_signal -view spec -type pll_reset -port [get_ports RSTN_PP] -active_state 0 -test_mode all
多生成了一个pll_reset pin