innovus 5> reportDelayCalculation -from xx/FE_OFC9534_n1039/H01 -to xx/FE_OFC9534_n1039/N01
The report is generated with view func_rc_max. Use option -view <view_name> to report it for other views. Run the report_analysis_view command to list views.
**WARN: (IMPDC-3245): The RC data is not in memory or the RC data in memory is for a different RC corner. RC data is being read.
Type 'man IMPDC-3245' for more detail.
# Generated by: Cadence Innovus
# OS: Linux x86_64
# Generated on:
# Design:
# Command: reportDelayCalculation -from xx/FE_OFC9534_n1039/H01 -to xx/FE_OFC9534_n1039/N01
From pin : xx/FE_OFC9534_n1039/H01
To Pin : xx/FE_OFC9534_n1039/N01
Cell : F
Library : xx_5V_MAX
Arc sense : positive unate
Delay type : cell delay
RC Summary for net xx/FE_OFN9563_n1039
Number of capacitance : 71
Net capacitance : 0.215809 pF
Total capacitance : 0.224331 pF
Number of resistance : 70
Total resistance : 70.142197 Ohm
Rise Fall
Input transition time : 0.286700 ns 0.222300 ns
Cell delay : -1.438200 ns -0.372800 ns
Output transition time : 1.640400 ns 1.194200 ns