Reading SDC version 2.0...
Warning: SDC version in file (1.7) does not match the version you requested
from read_sdc (2.0). Some constraints and options may not function. (SDC-2)
Warning: SDC version in file (1.7) does not match the version you requested
from read_sdc (2.0). Some constraints and options may not function. (SDC-2)
Using operating conditions 'typical' found in library 'csmc018_typ'.
Warning: Constraint 'set_wire_load_mode' is not supported by icc_shell. (SDC-3)
Warning: Creating virtual clock named 'vclk' with no sources. (UID-348)
Summary of unsupported constraints:
Information: Ignored 1 unsupported 'set_wire_load_mode' constraint. (SDC-4)
Info: hierarchy_separator was changed to /