打算在ADE XL里跑个蒙特卡洛,需要跑tran仿真但是在ADE XL里跑tran仿真就会报错如下:
Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-874): "input.scs" 23191: Cannot run the simulation because syntax error `Unexpected close square bracket "]"' was encountered at line 23191, column 38. Correct the syntax error and rerun the simulation.
ERROR (SFE-841): "input.scs" 23192: Cannot run the simulation because an unexpected character '[' was found at line 23192 in the netlist. Correct the syntax error and rerun the simulation.
ERROR (SFE-841): "input.scs" 23192: Cannot run the simulation because an unexpected character '[' was found at line 23192 in the netlist. Correct the syntax error and rerun the simulation.
ERROR (SFE-841): "input.scs" 23192: Cannot run the simulation because an unexpected character '[' was found at line 23192 in the netlist. Correct the syntax error and rerun the simulation.