本人是刚开始学习的小白,在终端里面写命令vcs add4.v add8.v addertb.v fa.v -l readme.log +v2k -debug_all的时候会报一个警告,让用新的-debug_acc+all来代替-debug_all,因此将命令换为vcs add4.v add8.v addertb.v fa.v -l readme.log +v2k -debug_acc+all,然后就出现了下面的报错
rror-[VERDI_VCS_MM] Possible VERDI_HOME and VCS_HOME mismatch
The Verdi tab and pli.a cannot be added to the 'vcs' compile command because
the file
'/home/synopsys/verdi/Verdi_O-2018.09-SP2/share/PLI/VCS/LINUX/pli.a' could
not be found.
Please check to make sure VERDI_HOME and VCS_HOME point to installations
that are either both 32-bits or both 64-bits.