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ERROR (ADE-5007): Variable 'temp': Invalid value specified. Value should be a string.
Delete psf data in/simLDO/save/psf.
*WARNING* In Save statement: None of the nets/terminals got successfully mapped.
WARNING (ADE-3021): Schematics for nets could not be mapped to simulators. Ensure that
an amap directory exists in the netlist directory.
Error /simLDO/netlistHeader file not found
WARNING (OCN-6040): The specified directory does not exist, or the directory does not contain valid PSF results.
Ensure that the path to the directory is correct and the directory has a logFile and PSF result files.
WARNING (OCN-6034): You need to specify what results you want to look at before using this command.
You can do this with the openResults() command. For more information type,
ocnHelp('openResults) in the Command Interface Window (CIW).
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