发表于 2021-1-5 03:59:53
Actually, it's better to analyze this problem throuh Nyquist chart. the Den of characteristic equation is 1+H(s), H(s) is the loop gain. If the system goes unstable, 1+H(s) will approach "0". So, the Nyquist char of H(s) should "enclose" -1.
According to linear space theory, if s is continuous "closed space", the mapping linear space of H(s) will also be "closed space". The so called phase margin or gain margin is judged based on the distance and phase angle around "-1".
In you case, when angle (-180'+26') but distance is bigger than "1". After that, the disance shrink to "1", but angle (-180+61), so "-1" is not circled in H(s) domain. The system should be stable.