15:36:19 (cdslmd) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
15:36:19 (cdslmd) ==>FEATURE 111 cdslmd 2100.000 permanent uncounted HOSTID=ANY \
SIGN2="01E8 39FE 0236 8578 B047 5A43 D292 BA19 092F 6940 FF05 \
34E0 503D 8D5B 960E 019C 0672 DE74 DD70 068D E5A2 93EE AB05 \
8C85 DEEF 3939 07CC 34DF 937F EEAD"
15:36:19 (cdslmd) Invalid license key (inconsistent authentication code)
15:36:19 (cdslmd) ==>FEATURE Voltus_Power_Integrity_XL cdslmd 2100.000 permanent uncounted \
HOSTID=ANY SIGN2="0E64 D009 0D5E A448 E1B4 B007 DEF1 A159 00CA \
34CD A55B 0D0C F511 AFAA 1C8B 0749 610B 3FCC 3879 7273 6B5D \
F628 4947 1D40 AD4E EA39 D85F BCEC A803 73D0"
15:36:19 (cdslmd) License server system started on slave
15:36:19 (cdslmd) No features to serve, exiting
15:36:19 (cdslmd) EXITING DUE TO SIGNAL 36 Exit reason 4
15:36:19 (lmgrd) cdslmd exited with status 36 (No features to serve)
15:36:19 (lmgrd) cdslmd daemon found no features. Please correct
15:36:19 (lmgrd) license file and re-start daemons.
15:36:19 (lmgrd)
15:36:19 (lmgrd) This may be due to the fact that you are using
15:36:19 (lmgrd) a different license file from the one you expect.
15:36:19 (lmgrd) Check to make sure that:
15:36:19 (lmgrd) ./license.dat
15:36:19 (lmgrd) is the license file you want to use.
15:36:19 (lmgrd)
15:36:53 (lmgrd) lmgrd will now shut down all the vendor daemons