/bin/sh: gvim: 未找到命令
/home/xxy/synopsys/verdi_2016.06-1/platform/LINUXAMD64/bin/Novas: error while loading shared libraries: libjpeg.so.62: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
请问make wave的时候出现这种错误是什么情况
Warning-[PLI_TAB_NV] No valid lines in PLI table
There are no valid lines in PLI table
'/EDA/synopsys/verdi201509/share/PLI/VCS/linux64'. It is being ignored.
Warning-[UNK_COMP_ARG] Unknown compile time plus argument used
Unknown compile time plus argument '' is ignored.
+ use `+plusarg_save' to bind in runtime plusargs;
+ use `+plusarg_ignore' to suppress this message.
Error-[FAE] File access error
File "/pli.a" cannot be opened for reading due to 'No such file or
Please fix this issue and compile again.