发表于 2011-4-17 07:14:47
20 The Challenge to IBIS 573
20.1 Emerging Simulation Requirements 573
20.2 The Leading Contenders to Change IBIS 576
20.3 Models in the Context of Simplification 577
20.4 Physical Modeling 578
20.5 Behavioral Modeling 580
20.6 Developing a Macromodel from the Behavioral Model 588
20.7 Developing a SPICE Macromodel from a Physical Model.... 592
20.8 Limitations in Models Due to Simplification 608
20.9 AMS Modeling Simplified 610
20.10 Limitations Because of Parameter Variation 618
20.11 Limitations of Deterministic Modeling and Design 621
20.12 Summary 629
21 Feedback to the Model Provider Improves Model Accuracy 631
21.1 Continuing Need for Better Models 631
21.2 How Far We Have Come 632
21.3 Four-Step Universal Process for Improvement 633
21.4 Specs That Swim Upstream; A New Approach 633
21.5 Warnings About Doing What-If Model Simulations 634
21.6 Selling the Idea of Better Models and Simulation 635
21.7 Summary 640
22 Future Trends in Modeling 641
22.1 Bridges to the Future 641
22.2 Challenge of HSDD 642
22.3 How Design Methods Have Changed 644
22.4 Attitudes in EMI/EMC about Modeling and Simulation 645
22.5 High-Speed Design Is Becoming More Challenging 646
22.6 Advantages of SPICE, S-Parameters, and IBIS 648
22.7 Combining Models and EDA Tools to Design
High-Speed Serial Busses 654
22.8 IBIS: Past, Present, and Future Specification Additions 655
22.9 Advantages of Pre-Layout Simulation for EMI/EMC 659
22.10 Interconnection Design Applied to EMI/EMC 660
22.11 Modeling for Power Integrity and EMI/EMC 661
22.12 Computational Electromagnetics 671
22.13 EDA Tool Supplier Survey 676
22.14 Risk Management and the Limitations of Simulation 681
22.15 Summary 681
23 Using Probability: The Ultimate Future of Simulation
Contributing author: Darren J. Carpenter, BTExact 683
23.1 Introduction 683
23.2 Limitations of Deterministic Modeling and Design 685
23.3 A New Approach: Probabilistic Modeling 687
23.4 Complexity of the EMI Chain of Cause and Effect 688
23.5 Risk Management Mathematics 689
23.6 Identical Equipments Case 692
23.7 Non-Identical Equipments Case 693
23.8 Risk Assessment 693
23.9 Distribution Examples 694
23.10 Review of Probability Distributions 701
23.11 Follow Up Simulation with Product Assurance 702
23.12 Summary 703
Glossary 707
Bibliography 733
Index 745 |