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Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xvii
An Introduction to Production Testing 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Characterization Versus Production Testing 1
1.3 The Test Program 2
1.4 Production-Test Equipment 2
1.5 Rack and Stack 2
1.6 Automated Test Equipment 3
1.7 Interfacing with the Test Equipment 3
1.7.1 Handlers 3
1.7.2 Load Boards 5
1.7.3 Contactor Sockets 5
1.7.4 Production RF and SOC Wafer Probing 6
1.8 Calibration 9
1.9 The Test Floor and Test Cell 10
1.10 Test Houses 10
1.11 Accuracy, Repeatability, and Correlation 10
1.12 Design for Testing 11
1.13 Built-in Self-Test 11
References 12
RF and SOC Devices 13
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 RF Low Noise Amplifier 15
2.3 RF Power Amplifier 15
2.4 RF Mixer 16
2.5 RF Switch 19
2.6 Variable Gain Amplifier 20
2.7 Modulator 22
2.8 Demodulator 23
2.9 Transmitter 24
2.10 Receiver 24
2.11 Transceiver 25
2.12 Wireless Radio Architectures 26
2.13 Superheterodyne Wireless Radio 26
2.14 Zero Intermediate Frequency Wireless Radio 26
2.15 Phase Locked Loop 28
2.16 RF and SOC Device Tests 30
References 31
Cost of Test 33
3.1 Introduction 33
3.2 Wafer Processing Improves Cost of Test 33
3.3 Early Testing of the SOC 36
3.4 SCM and IDM 37
3.5 SOC Cost-of-Test Paradigm Shift 37
3.6 Key Cost-of-Test Modeling Parameters 38
3.6.1 Fixed Cost 39
3.6.2 Recurring Cost 39
3.6.3 Lifetime 40
3.6.4 Utilization 40
3.6.5 Yield 41
3.6.6 Accuracy as It Relates to Yield 42
3.7 Other Factors Influencing COT 45
3.7.1 Multisite and Parallel Testing 45
3.7.2 Test Engineer Skill 46
3.8 Summary 46
References 46
Production Testing of RF Devices 49
4.1 Introduction 49
4.2 Measuring Voltage Versus Measuring Power 49
4.3 Transmission Line Theory Versus Lumped-Element Analysis 50
4.4 The History of Power Measurements 51
4.5 The Importance of Power 52
4.6 Power Measurement Units and Definitions 53
4.7 The Decibel 53
4.8 Power Expressed in dBm 54
4.9 Power 54
4.10 Average Power 55
4.11 Pulse Power 56
4.12 Modulated Power 56
4.13 RMS Power 57
4.14 Gain 58
4.14.1 Gain Measurements of Wireless SOC Devices 60
4.15 Gain Flatness 61
4.15.1 Measuring Gain Flatness 63
4.15.2 Automatic Gain Control Flatness 65
viii Contents
4.16 Power-Added Efficiency 67
4.17 Transfer Function for RF Devices 68
4.18 Power Compression 69
4.19 Mixer Conversion Compression 72
4.20 Harmonic and Intermodulation Distortion 72
4.20.1 Harmonic Distortion 73
4.20.2 Intermodulation Distortion 75
4.20.3 Receiver Architecture Considerations for
Intermodulation Products 79
4.21 Adjacent Channel Power Ratio 79
4.21.1 The Basics of CDMA 79
4.21.2 Measuring ACPR 81
4.22 Filter Testing 82
4.23 S-Parameters 84
4.23.1 Introduction 84
4.23.2 How It Is Done 84
4.23.3 S-Parameters of a Two-Port Device 85
4.23.4 Scalar Measurements Related to S-Parameters 86
4.23.5 S-Parameters Versus Transfer Function 88
4.23.6 How to Realize S-Parameter Measurements 89
4.23.7 Characteristics of a Bridge 89
4.23.8 Characteristics of a Coupler 90
4.24 Summary 91
References 92
Appendix 4A: VSWR, Return Loss, and Reflection Coefficient 93
Production Testing of SOC Devices 95
5.1 Introduction 95
5.2 SOC Integration Levels 96
5.3 Origins of Bluetooth 97
5.4 Introduction to Bluetooth 98
5.5 Frequency Hopping 99
5.6 Bluetooth Modulation 100
5.7 Bluetooth Data Rates and Data Packets 100
5.8 Adaptive Power Control 102
5.9 The Parts of a Bluetooth Radio 102
5.10 Phase Locked Loop 103
5.11 Divider 104
5.12 Phase Detector, Charge Pumps, and LPF 104
5.13 Voltage Controlled Oscillator 104
5.14 How Does a PLL Work? 104
5.15 Synthesizer Settling Time 105
5.16 Testing Synthesizer Settling Time in Production 106
5.17 Power Versus Time 106
5.18 Differential Phase Versus Time 110
5.19 Digital Control of an SOC 112
Contents ix
5.20 Transmitter Tests 113
5.20.1 Transmit Output Spectrum 114
5.20.2 Modulation Characteristics 117
5.20.3 Initial Carrier Frequency Tolerance 118
5.20.4 Carrier Frequency Drift 119
5.20.5 VCO Drift 120
5.20.6 Frequency Pulling and Pushing 120
5.21 Receiver Tests 124
5.21.1 Bit Error Rate 125
5.21.2 Bit Error Rate Methods 127
5.21.3 Programmable Delay Line Method (XOR Method) 127
5.21.4 Field Programmable Gate Array Method 128
5.21.5 BER Testing with a Digital Pin 128
5.21.6 BER Measurement with a Digitizer 130
5.22 BER Receiver Measurements 132
5.22.1 Sensitivity BER Test 132
5.22.2 Carrier-to-Interference BER Tests 133
5.22.3 Cochannel Interference BER Tests 133
5.22.4 Adjacent Channel Interference BER Tests 133
5.22.5 Inband and Out-of-Band Blocking BER Tests 135
5.22.6 Intermodulation Interference BER Tests 135
5.22.7 Maximum Input Power Level BER Test 137
5.23 EVM Introduction 137
5.23.1 I/Q Diagrams 137
5.23.2 Definition of Error Vector Magnitude 138
5.23.3 Making the Measurement 139
5.23.4 Related Signal Quality Measurements 141
5.23.5 Comparison of EVM with More Traditional Methods
of Testing 142
5.23.6 Should EVM Be Used for Production Testing? 142
References 143
Fundamentals of Analog and Mixed-Signal Testing 145
6.1 Introduction 145
6.2 Sampling Basics and Conventions 145
6.2.1 DC Offsets and Peak-to-Peak Input Voltages 146
6.3 The Fourier Transform and the FFT 147
6.3.1 The Fourier Series 147
6.3.2 The Fourier Transform 147
6.3.3 The Discrete Fourier Transform 149
6.3.4 The Fast Fourier Transform 150
6.4 Time-Domain and Frequency-Domain Description and
Dependencies 150
6.4.1 Negative Frequency 150
6.4.2 Convolution 151
6.4.3 Frequency- and Time-Domain Transformations 152
x Contents
6.5 Nyquist Sampling Theory 154
6.6 Dynamic Measurements 156
6.6.1 Coherent Sampling and Windowing 156
6.6.2 SNR for AWGs and Digitizers 159
6.6.3 SINAD and Harm Distortion 160
6.7 Static Measurements 163
6.7.1 DC Offset 163
6.7.2 INL/DNL for AWGs and Digitizers 164
6.8 Real Signals and Their Representations 165
6.8.1 Differences Between V, W, dB, dBc, dBV, and dBm 165
6.8.2 Transformation Formulas 166
6.9 ENOB and Noise Floor: Similarities and Differences 167
6.10 Phase Noise and Jitter 167
6.10.1 Phase Noise and How It Relates to RF Systems 168
6.10.2 Jitter and How It Affects Sampling 168
6.11 I/Q Modulation and Complex FFTs 168
6.11.1 System Considerations for Accurate I/Q Characterization 168
6.11.2 Amplitude and Phase Balance Using Complex FFTs 169
6.12 ZIF Receivers and DC Offsets 171
6.12.1 System Gain with Dissimilar Input and Output
Impedances 171
6.13 Summary 172
References 173
Moving Beyond Production Testing 175
7.1 Introduction 175
7.2 Parallel Testing of Digital and Mixed-Signal Devices 175
7.3 Parallel Testing of RF Devices 175
7.4 Parallel Testing of RF SOC Devices 178
7.5 True Parallel RF Testing 179
7.6 Pseudoparallel RF Testing 180
7.7 Alternative Parallel RF Testing Methods 182
7.8 Guidelines for Choosing an RF Testing Method 184
7.9 Interleaving Technique 185
7.10 DSP Threading 186
7.11 True Parallel RF Testing Cost-of-Test Advantages and
Disadvantages 187
7.12 Pseudoparallel RF Testing Cost-of-Test Advantages and
Disadvantages 188
7.13 Introduction to Concurrent Testing 189
7.14 Design for Test 190
7.15 Summary 191
References 192
Production Noise Measurements 193
Contents xi
8.1 Introduction to Noise 193
8.1.1 Power Spectral Density 193
8.1.2 Types of Noise 194
8.1.3 Noise Floor 198
8.2 Noise Figure 199
8.2.1 Noise-Figure Definition 199
8.2.2 Noise Power Density 201
8.2.3 Noise Sources 202
8.2.4 Noise Temperature and Effective Noise Temperature 202
8.2.5 Excess Noise Ratio 203
8.2.6 Y-Factor 204
8.2.7 Mathematically Calculating Noise Figure 204
8.2.8 Measuring Noise Figure 205
8.2.9 Noise-Figure Measurements on Frequency Translating
Devices 209
8.2.10 Calculating Error in Noise-Figure Measurements 210
8.2.11 Equipment Error 211
8.2.12 Mismatch Error 211
8.2.13 Production-Test Fixturing 212
8.2.14 External Interfering Signals 212
8.2.15 Averaging and Bandwidth Considerations 212
8.3 Phase Noise 213
8.3.1 Introduction 213
8.3.2 Phase-Noise Definition 214
8.3.3 Spectral Density–Based Definition of Phase Noise 216
8.3.4 Phase Jitter 216
8.3.5 Thermal Effects on Phase Noise 217
8.3.6 Low-Power Phase-Noise Measurement 217
8.3.7 High-Power Phase-Noise Measurement 217
8.3.8 Trade-offs When Making Phase-Noise Measurements 217
8.3.9 Making Phase-Noise Measurements 218
8.3.10 Measuring Phase Noise with a Spectrum Analyzer 220
8.3.11 Phase-Noise Measurement Example 220
8.3.12 Phase Noise of Fast-Switching RF Signal Sources 222
References 222
Appendix A: Power and Voltage Conversions 225
Appendix B: RF Coaxial Connectors 229
List of Acronyms and Abbreviations 233
List of Numerical Prefixes 237
About the Authors 239
Index 241
发表于 2010-3-23 21:59:11 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2010-3-24 11:00:01 | 显示全部楼层
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