Advanced Analog CMOS IC Design
Advanced Delta-Sigma Converters Design
Low Power Analog IC Design
Power Management
Practical Aspects in Mixed-Signal ICs
High-Speed Data converters
PLLs: Advanced Techniques
Transistor-Level Analog Design: Theory and Hands-on
RF Analog IC Design
Cryptographic Engineering
appleloving 发表于 2017-11-19 13:30
they are excellent! thanks for sharing! could you upload later year MEAD course notes too?
Advanced Analog CMOS IC Design
Advanced Delta-Sigma Converters Design
Low Power Analog IC Design
Power Management
Practical Aspects in Mixed-Signal ICs
High-Speed Data converters
PLLs: Advanced Techniques
Transistor-Level Analog Design: Theory and Hands-on
RF Analog IC Design
Cryptographic Engineering
I have all these notes. Some with audio recording as well.