Hi all,我在验证Altera A10的浮点加法IP过程中,出现正常输入但输出全为x的问题;
软件为vcs-mx-2014.03, log告警如下:
Warning-[ELW_UNBOUND] Unbound component
The component instantiation
'/\/fp_add/fp_functions_0\/FPADDTEST_IMPL_DSP0/INST' (file:
/home/intelFPGA/16.1/quartus//eda/sim_lib/twentynm_atoms.vhd, line: 6373)
will have no effect because component 'TWENTYNM_FP_MAC_ENCRYPTED' is
unbound. No entity definition for component 'TWENTYNM_FP_MAC_ENCRYPTED' can
be found in the following libraries ( WORK ) referenced by the
architecture 'BEHAVIOR' of entity 'TWENTYNM_FP_MAC'.
Please bind the component explicitly to an entity (architecture) pair, and
verify that the pair was analyzed successfully.
$finish at simulation time 100
V C S S i m u l a t i o n R e p o r t
Time: 100 ps
CPU Time: 0.180 seconds; Data structure size: 0.0Mb
Fri Jul 7 22:04:55 2017