redhat7.2服务器机子首次安装DC2013后可以顺利启动,但是设置双网卡(扩展带宽,断电启动会随机使用其中一个网卡)断电重启以后就失效了,根据网卡制作了两套license也没有效果,总是报以下错误:Fatal: Design Compiler is not enabled. (DCSH-1)
Integrity check report for license file "../../../synopsyse1.dat".
Report generated on 18-May-2017 (SCL_11.7)
Checking the integrity of the license file....
Valid SSS feature found.
Licensed to mammoth//ZWT 2006
Siteid: <No Site Id>, Server Hostid: any, Issued on: N/A
License file integrity check PASSED!
You may now USE this license file to start your license server.
Please don't edit or manipulate the contents of this license file.