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[admin@localhost installer_v2.0]$ dv
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Version B-2008.09 for linux -- Aug 25, 2008
Copyright (c) 1988-2008 by Synopsys, Inc.
This software and the associated documentation are confidential and
proprietary to Synopsys, Inc. Your use or disclosure of this software
is subject to the terms and conditions of a written license agreement
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Error: Error during sourcing of /home/admin/synopsys/dc200809/auxx/gui/syn/syn_setup.tcl
Tcl stack follows:
can't find package snpsCommonSetup
while executing
"package require snpsCommonSetup"
invoked from within
"if { ![ info exists Guards::syn_tcl_root] } {
# set guard
variable Guards::syn_tcl_root 1
namespace eval snpsSynSetup {
history keep 500
# regist..."
(in namespace eval "::" script line 13)
invoked from within
"namespace eval :: [read -nonewline $f]"
Error: Error during sourcing of /home/admin/synopsys/dc200809/auxx/gui/dv/.synopsys_dv.tcl
Tcl stack follows:
can't read "snpsCommonSetup::dataObjectCreator": no such variable
while executing
"qtcl_activate_slot -receiver $snpsCommonSetup::dataObjectCreator -slot "createCollectionGenerator(const QString&)" -values {{
clctTypeFct o..."
invoked from within
"if { ![ info exists Guards::dv_tcl_root] } {
# set guard
variable Guards::dv_tcl_root 1
set __synopsys_dv_tcl ".synopsys_dv.tcl"
set __syn_setup_tcl..."
(in namespace eval "::" script line 9)
invoked from within
"namespace eval :: [read -nonewline $f]"
design_vision> design_vision> |