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我参考的模拟集成电路设计与仿真 何乐年的写了个基本上一一模一样的差分op,但是仿tran的时候出了个问题,不知道怎么改代码,求前辈帮忙看看 ,输出共模应该是在1.65v啊,怎么输出成这样了。
`include "discipline.h"
`include "constants.h"
// $Date: 1997/08/28 05:45:21 $
// $Revision: 1.1 $
// Based on the OVI Verilog-A Language Reference Manual, version 1.0 1996
`define PI 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937511
// opamp-diff
// - differential operational amplifier
// vin_p,vin_n: differential input voltage [V,A]
// vout_p,vout_n:differential output voltage [V,A]
// vref: reference voltage [V,A]
// vspply_p: positive supply voltage [V,A]
// vspply_n: negative supply voltage [V,A]
// INSTANCE parameters
// gain = gain []
// freq_unitygain = unity gain frequency [Hz]
// rin = input resistance [Ohms]
// vin_offset = input offset voltage referred to negative [V]
// ibias = input current [A]
// iin_max = maximum current [A]
// slew_rate = slew rate [A/F]
// rout = output resistance [Ohms]
// vsoft = soft output limiting value [V]
// MODEL parameters
// {none}
module opamp_diff(vref, vin_p, vin_n, vspply_p, vspply_n, vout_p, vout_n);
input vref, vspply_p, vspply_n;
inout vout_p, vout_n, vin_p, vin_n;
electrical vout_n, vout_p, vref, vin_p, vin_n, vspply_p, vspply_n;
parameter real gain = 835e3;
parameter real freq_unitygain = 1.0e6;
parameter real rin = 1e6;
parameter real vin_offset = 0.0;
parameter real ibias = 0.0;
parameter real iin_max = 100e-6;
parameter real slew_rate = 0.5e6;
parameter real rout = 80;
parameter real vsoft = 0.5;
real c1;
real gm_nom;
real r1;
real vmax_in;
real vin_val;
electrical cout_p, cout_n;
analog begin
@ ( initial_step or initial_step("dc") ) begin
c1 = iin_max/(slew_rate);
gm_nom = 2 * `PI * freq_unitygain * c1;
r1 = gain/gm_nom;
vmax_in = iin_max/gm_nom;
vin_val = V(vin_p,vin_n)/2 + vin_offset;
// Input stage.
I(vin_p, vin_n) <+ (V(vin_p, vin_n) + vin_offset)/ rin;
I(vref, vin_p) <+ ibias;
I(vref, vin_n) <+ ibias;
// GM stage with slewing
I(vref, cout_p) <+ V(vref, cout_p)/100e6;
I(vref, cout_n) <+ V(vref, cout_n)/100e6;
if (vin_val > vmax_in) begin
I(vref, cout_p) <+ iin_max;
I(vref, cout_n) <+ -iin_max;
else if (vin_val < -vmax_in) begin
I(vref, cout_p) <+ -iin_max;
I(vref, cout_n) <+ iin_max;
else begin
I(vref, cout_p) <+ 1*gm_nom*vin_val ;
I(vref, cout_n) <+ -1*gm_nom*vin_val ;
// Dominant Pole.
I(cout_p, vref) <+ ddt(c1*V(cout_p, vref));
I(cout_p, vref) <+ V(cout_p, vref)/r1;
I(cout_n, vref) <+ ddt(c1*V(cout_n, vref));
I(cout_n, vref) <+ V(cout_n, vref)/r1;
// Output Stage.
I(vref, vout_p) <+ V(cout_p, vref)/rout;
I(vout_p, vref) <+ V(vout_p, vref)/rout;
I(vref, vout_n) <+ V(cout_n, vref)/rout;
I(vout_n, vref) <+ V(vout_n, vref)/rout;
// Soft Output Limiting.
if (V(vout_p) > (V(vspply_p) - vsoft))
I(cout_p, vref) <+ gm_nom*(V(vout_p, vspply_p)+vsoft);
else if (V(vout_p) < (V(vspply_n) + vsoft))
I(cout_p, vref) <+ gm_nom*(V(vout_p, vspply_n)-vsoft);
if (V(vout_n) > (V(vspply_p) - vsoft))
I(cout_n, vref) <+ gm_nom*(V(vout_n, vspply_p)+vsoft);
else if (V(vout_n) < (V(vspply_n) + vsoft))
I(cout_n, vref) <+ gm_nom*(V(vout_n, vspply_n)-vsoft);
endmodule |