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本篇介绍了如何通过频域补偿方法达到VF-TLP的超宽带测试方案 这种对于通过用后处理改善VF-TLP的测试带宽的方式极大提高了VF-TLP的应用价值和测试指标
The objective of this article is to demonstrate a frequency compensationtechnique for measuring the current and voltage of a device under test in aVery Fast Transmission Line Pulser (VF-TLP) test environment. The currentmeasurement utilizes Non-Overlapping Time Domain Reflectometry, which is usefulfor On-Wafer testing because the measurement can be made with low profile smallpitch probes, such as the Picoprobe Model 10. Further, to increase thebandwidth of the current measurement over common techniques, such as currenttransformers with 1GHz bandwidth, the method utilizes a resistive Pick-Off. ThePick-Off can be finely tuned to have as little insertion loss as possible,thereby enhancing the bandwidth. Although this method can also yield a DUTvoltage measurement, the result suffers from numerical errors for low ohmicdevices. A separate, direct measurement is presented that will demonstrate anextremely accurate voltage measurement that also utilizes frequencycompensation.
ESDEMC_TN006 Advanced Frequency Compensation Method for VF-TLP Measurements.pdf
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