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[讨论] 这段xilinx官网xapp879中的代码能够综合吗?初始化存储器用了initial啊

发表于 2012-12-27 21:52:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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// Company:          Xilinx
// Engineer:         Karl Kurbjun and Carl Ribbing
// Date:             12/10/2009
// Design Name:      PLL DRP
// Module Name:      pll_drp.v
// Version:          1.1
// Target Devices:   Spartan 6 Family
// Tool versions:    L.68 (lin)
// Description:      This calls the DRP register calculation functions and
//                   provides a state machine to perform PLL reconfiguration
//                   based on the calulated values stored in a initialized ROM.
//                 PURPOSE.
//                 (c) Copyright 2008 Xilinx, Inc.
//                 All rights reserved.
`timescale 1ps/1ps
module pll_drp
      // State 1 Parameters - These are for the first reconfiguration state.

   // These parameters have an effect on the feedback path.  A change on
      // these parameters will effect all of the clock outputs.
      // The paramaters are composed of:
      //    _MULT: This can be from 1 to 64.  It has an effect on the VCO
      //          frequency which consequently, effects all of the clock
      //          outputs.
      //    _PHASE: This is the phase multiplied by 1000. For example if
      //          a phase of 24.567 deg was desired the input value would be
      //          24567.  The range for the phase is from -360000 to 360000.
      parameter S1_CLKFBOUT_MULT          = 1,
      parameter S1_CLKFBOUT_PHASE         = 0,
   // The bandwidth parameter effects the phase error and the jitter filter
      // capability of the MMCM.  For more information on this parameter see the
      // Device user guide.
      parameter S1_BANDWIDTH              = "LOW",
   // The divclk parameter allows th einput clock to be divided before it
      // reaches the phase and frequency comparitor.  This can be set between
      // 1 and 128.
      parameter S1_DIVCLK_DIVIDE          = 1,
   // The following parameters describe the configuration that each clock
      // output should have once the reconfiguration for state one has
      // completed.
      // The parameters are composed of:
      //    _DIVIDE: This can be from 1 to 128
      //    _PHASE: This is the phase multiplied by 1000. For example if
      //          a phase of 24.567 deg was desired the input value would be
      //          24567.  The range for the phase is from -360000 to 360000.
      //    _DUTY: This is the duty cycle multiplied by 100,000.  For example if
      //          a duty cycle of .24567 was desired the input would be
      //          24567.
      parameter S1_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT0_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT0_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT1_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT1_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT1_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT2_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT2_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT2_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT3_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT3_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT3_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT4_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT4_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT4_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT5_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT5_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S1_CLKOUT5_DUTY           = 50000,
      // State 2 Parameters - These are for the second reconfiguration state.
   // These parameters have an effect on the feedback path.  A change on
      // these parameters will effect all of the clock outputs.
      // The paramaters are composed of:
      //    _MULT: This can be from 1 to 64.  It has an effect on the VCO
      //          frequency which consequently, effects all of the clock
      //          outputs.
      //    _PHASE: This is the phase multiplied by 1000. For example if
      //          a phase of 24.567 deg was desired the input value would be
      //          24567.  The range for the phase is from -360000 to 360000.
      parameter S2_CLKFBOUT_MULT          = 1,
      parameter S2_CLKFBOUT_PHASE         = 0,
      // The bandwidth parameter effects the phase error and the jitter filter
      // capability of the MMCM.  For more information on this parameter see the
      // Device user guide.
      parameter S2_BANDWIDTH              = "LOW",
   // The divclk parameter allows th einput clock to be divided before it
      // reaches the phase and frequency comparitor.  This can be set between
      // 1 and 128.
      parameter S2_DIVCLK_DIVIDE          = 1,
   // The following parameters describe the configuration that each clock
      // output should have once the reconfiguration for state one has
      // completed.
      // The parameters are composed of:
      //    _DIVIDE: This can be from 1 to 128
      //    _PHASE: This is the phase multiplied by 1000. For example if
      //          a phase of 24.567 deg was desired the input value would be
      //          24567.  The range for the phase is from -360000 to 360000
      //    _DUTY: This is the duty cycle multiplied by 100,000.  For example if
      //          a duty cycle of .24567 was desired the input would be
      //          24567.
      parameter S2_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT0_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT0_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT1_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT1_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT1_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT2_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT2_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT2_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT3_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT3_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT3_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT4_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT4_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT4_DUTY           = 50000,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT5_DIVIDE         = 1,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT5_PHASE          = 0,
      parameter S2_CLKOUT5_DUTY           = 50000
   ) (
      // These signals are controlled by user logic interface and are covered
      // in more detail within the XAPP.
      input             SADDR,
      input             SEN,
      input             SCLK,
      input             RST,
      output reg        SRDY,
      // These signals are to be connected to the PLL_ADV by port name.
      // Their use matches the PLL port description in the Device User Guide.
      input      [15:0] DO,
      input             DRDY,
      input             LOCKED,
      output reg        DWE,
      output reg        DEN,
      output reg [4:0]  DADDR,
      output reg [15:0] DI,
      output            DCLK,
      output reg        RST_PLL
   // 100 ps delay for behavioral simulations
//   localparam  TCQ = 100;
   // Make sure the memory is implemented as distributed (does not work on 11.2)
   (* rom_style = "distributed" *)
   reg [36:0]  rom [63:0];
   reg [5:0]   rom_addr;
   reg [36:0]  rom_do;
   reg         next_srdy;
   reg [5:0]   next_rom_addr;
   reg [4:0]   next_daddr;
   reg         next_dwe;
   reg         next_den;
   reg         next_rst_pll;
   reg [15:0]  next_di;
   // Integer used to initialize remainder of unused ROM
   integer     ii;
    // Pass SCLK to DCLK for the PLL
   assign DCLK = SCLK;
   // include the PLL reconfiguration functions.  This contains the constant
   // functions that are used in the calculations below.  This file is
   // required.
   `include "pll_drp_func.h"
   // State 1 Calculations
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKFBOUT       =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKFBOUT_MULT, S1_CLKFBOUT_PHASE, 50000);
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKFBOUT2      =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKFBOUT_MULT, S1_CLKFBOUT_PHASE, 50000);
   localparam [9:0]  S1_DIGITAL_FILT   =
      s6_pll_filter_lookup(S1_CLKFBOUT_MULT, S1_BANDWIDTH);
   localparam [39:0] S1_LOCK           =
   localparam [22:0] S1_DIVCLK         =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_DIVCLK_DIVIDE, 0, 50000);
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKOUT0        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE, S1_CLKOUT0_PHASE, S1_CLKOUT0_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKOUT1        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKOUT1_DIVIDE, S1_CLKOUT1_PHASE, S1_CLKOUT1_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKOUT2        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKOUT2_DIVIDE, S1_CLKOUT2_PHASE, S1_CLKOUT2_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKOUT3        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKOUT3_DIVIDE, S1_CLKOUT3_PHASE, S1_CLKOUT3_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKOUT4        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKOUT4_DIVIDE, S1_CLKOUT4_PHASE, S1_CLKOUT4_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S1_CLKOUT5        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S1_CLKOUT5_DIVIDE, S1_CLKOUT5_PHASE, S1_CLKOUT5_DUTY);
   // State 2 Calculations
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKFBOUT       =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKFBOUT_MULT, S2_CLKFBOUT_PHASE, 50000);
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKFBOUT2      =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKFBOUT_MULT, S2_CLKFBOUT_PHASE, 50000);
   localparam [9:0] S2_DIGITAL_FILT    =
      s6_pll_filter_lookup(S2_CLKFBOUT_MULT, S2_BANDWIDTH);
   localparam [39:0] S2_LOCK           =
   localparam [22:0] S2_DIVCLK         =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_DIVCLK_DIVIDE, 0, 50000);
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKOUT0        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKOUT0_DIVIDE, S2_CLKOUT0_PHASE, S2_CLKOUT0_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKOUT1        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKOUT1_DIVIDE, S2_CLKOUT1_PHASE, S2_CLKOUT1_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKOUT2        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKOUT2_DIVIDE, S2_CLKOUT2_PHASE, S2_CLKOUT2_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKOUT3        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKOUT3_DIVIDE, S2_CLKOUT3_PHASE, S2_CLKOUT3_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKOUT4        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKOUT4_DIVIDE, S2_CLKOUT4_PHASE, S2_CLKOUT4_DUTY);
   localparam [22:0] S2_CLKOUT5        =
      s6_pll_count_calc(S2_CLKOUT5_DIVIDE, S2_CLKOUT5_PHASE, S2_CLKOUT5_DUTY);

      // rom entries contain (in order) the address, a bitmask, and a bitset
      // State 1 Initialization
      rom[0] = {5'h05, 16'h50FF,  S1_CLKOUT0[19], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT0[18], 1'b0,//bits 15 down to 12
                               S1_CLKOUT0[16], S1_CLKOUT0[17], S1_CLKOUT0[15], S1_CLKOUT0[14], 8'h00};//bits 11 downto 0
   rom[1] = {5'h06, 16'h010B,  S1_CLKOUT1[4], S1_CLKOUT1[5], S1_CLKOUT1[3], S1_CLKOUT1[12], //bits 15 down to 12
                               S1_CLKOUT1[1], S1_CLKOUT1[2], S1_CLKOUT1[19], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT1[17], S1_CLKOUT1[16], //bits 11 down to 6
          S1_CLKOUT1[14], S1_CLKOUT1[15], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT0[13], 2'b00}; //bits 5 down to 0
   rom[2] = {5'h07, 16'hE02C,  3'b000, S1_CLKOUT1[11], S1_CLKOUT1[9], S1_CLKOUT1[10], //bits 15 down to 10
                               S1_CLKOUT1[8], S1_CLKOUT1[7], S1_CLKOUT1[6], S1_CLKOUT1[20], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT1[13], //bits 9 down to 4
            2'b00, S1_CLKOUT1[21], S1_CLKOUT1[22]}; //bits 3 down to 0
   rom[3] = {5'h08, 16'h4001,  S1_CLKOUT2[22], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT2[5], S1_CLKOUT2[21], //bits 15 downto 12
                               S1_CLKOUT2[12], S1_CLKOUT2[4], S1_CLKOUT2[3], S1_CLKOUT2[2], S1_CLKOUT2[0], S1_CLKOUT2[19], //bits 11 down to 6
          S1_CLKOUT2[17], S1_CLKOUT2[18], S1_CLKOUT2[15], S1_CLKOUT2[16], S1_CLKOUT2[14], 1'b0}; //bits 5 down to 0
   rom[4] = {5'h09, 16'h0D03,  S1_CLKOUT3[14], S1_CLKOUT3[15], S1_CLKOUT0[21], S1_CLKOUT0[22], 2'b00, S1_CLKOUT2[10], 1'b0, //bits 15 downto 8
                               S1_CLKOUT2[9], S1_CLKOUT2[8], S1_CLKOUT2[6], S1_CLKOUT2[7], S1_CLKOUT2[13], S1_CLKOUT2[20], 2'b00}; //bits 7 downto 0
   rom[5] = {5'h0A, 16'hB001,  1'b0, S1_CLKOUT3[13], 2'b00, S1_CLKOUT3[21], S1_CLKOUT3[22], S1_CLKOUT3[5], S1_CLKOUT3[4], //bits 15 downto 8
                               S1_CLKOUT3[12], S1_CLKOUT3[2], S1_CLKOUT3[0], S1_CLKOUT3[1], S1_CLKOUT3[18], S1_CLKOUT3[19], //bits 7 downto 2
          S1_CLKOUT3[17], 1'b0}; //bits 1 downto 0
   rom[6] = {5'h0B, 16'h0110,  S1_CLKOUT0[5], S1_CLKOUT4[19], S1_CLKOUT4[14], S1_CLKOUT4[17], //bits 15 downto 12
                               S1_CLKOUT4[15], S1_CLKOUT4[16], S1_CLKOUT0[4], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT3[11], S1_CLKOUT3[10], //bits 11 downto 6
          S1_CLKOUT3[9], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT3[7], S1_CLKOUT3[8], S1_CLKOUT3[20], S1_CLKOUT3[6]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[7] = {5'h0C, 16'h0B00,  S1_CLKOUT4[7], S1_CLKOUT4[8], S1_CLKOUT4[20], S1_CLKOUT4[6], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT4[13], //bits 15 downto 10
                               2'b00, S1_CLKOUT4[22], S1_CLKOUT4[21], S1_CLKOUT4[4], S1_CLKOUT4[5], S1_CLKOUT4[3], //bits 9 downto 3
          S1_CLKOUT4[12], S1_CLKOUT4[1], S1_CLKOUT4[2]}; //bits 2 downto 0
   rom[8] = {5'h0D, 16'h0008,  S1_CLKOUT5[2], S1_CLKOUT5[3], S1_CLKOUT5[0], S1_CLKOUT5[1], S1_CLKOUT5[18], //bits 15 downto 11
          S1_CLKOUT5[19], S1_CLKOUT5[17], S1_CLKOUT5[16], S1_CLKOUT5[15], S1_CLKOUT0[3], //bits 10 downto 6
          S1_CLKOUT0[0], S1_CLKOUT0[2], 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT4[11], S1_CLKOUT4[9], S1_CLKOUT4[10]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[9] = {5'h0E, 16'h00D0,  S1_CLKOUT5[10], S1_CLKOUT5[11], S1_CLKOUT5[8], S1_CLKOUT5[9], S1_CLKOUT5[6], //bits 15 downto 11
          S1_CLKOUT5[7], S1_CLKOUT5[20], S1_CLKOUT5[13], 2'b00, S1_CLKOUT5[22], 1'b0, //bits 10 downto 4
          S1_CLKOUT5[5], S1_CLKOUT5[21], S1_CLKOUT5[12], S1_CLKOUT5[4]}; //bits 3 downto 0
   rom[10] = {5'h0F, 16'h0003, S1_CLKFBOUT[4], S1_CLKFBOUT[5], S1_CLKFBOUT[3], S1_CLKFBOUT[12], S1_CLKFBOUT[1], //bits 15 downto 11
                               S1_CLKFBOUT[2], S1_CLKFBOUT[0], S1_CLKFBOUT[19], S1_CLKFBOUT[18], S1_CLKFBOUT[17], //bits 10 downto 6
          S1_CLKFBOUT[15], S1_CLKFBOUT[16], S1_CLKOUT0[12], S1_CLKOUT0[1], 2'b00}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[11] = {5'h10, 16'h800C, 1'b0, S1_CLKOUT0[9], S1_CLKOUT0[11], S1_CLKOUT0[10], S1_CLKFBOUT[10], S1_CLKFBOUT[11], //bits 15 downto 10
          S1_CLKFBOUT[9], S1_CLKFBOUT[8], S1_CLKFBOUT[7], S1_CLKFBOUT[6], S1_CLKFBOUT[13],  //bits 9 downto 5
          S1_CLKFBOUT[20], 2'b00, S1_CLKFBOUT[21], S1_CLKFBOUT[22]}; //bits 4 downto 0
   rom[12] = {5'h11, 16'hFC00, 6'h00, S1_CLKOUT3[3], S1_CLKOUT3[16], S1_CLKOUT2[11], S1_CLKOUT2[1], S1_CLKOUT1[18], //bits 15 downto 6
          S1_CLKOUT1[0], S1_CLKOUT0[6], S1_CLKOUT0[20], S1_CLKOUT0[8], S1_CLKOUT0[7]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[13] = {5'h12, 16'hF0FF, 4'h0, S1_CLKOUT5[14], S1_CLKFBOUT[14], S1_CLKOUT4[0], S1_CLKOUT4[18],  8'h00};  //bits 15 downto 0
   rom[14] = {5'h13, 16'h5120, S1_DIVCLK[11], 1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[10], 1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[7], S1_DIVCLK[8],  //bits 15 downto 10
                               S1_DIVCLK[0], 1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[5], S1_DIVCLK[2], 1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[13], 4'h0};  //bits 9 downto 0
   rom[15] = {5'h14, 16'h2FFF, S1_LOCK[1], S1_LOCK[2], 1'b0, S1_LOCK[0], 12'h000}; //bits 15 downto 0
   rom[16] = {5'h15, 16'hBFF4, 1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[12], 10'h000, S1_LOCK[38], 1'b0, S1_LOCK[32], S1_LOCK[39]}; //bits 15 downto 0         
   rom[17] = {5'h16, 16'h0A55, S1_LOCK[15], S1_LOCK[13], S1_LOCK[27], S1_LOCK[16], 1'b0, S1_LOCK[10],   //bits 15 downto 10
                               1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[9], S1_DIVCLK[1], 1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[6], 1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[3],  //bits 9 downto 3
          1'b0, S1_DIVCLK[4], 1'b0};  //bits 2 downto 0
   rom[18] = {5'h17, 16'hFFD0, 10'h000, S1_LOCK[17], 1'b0, S1_LOCK[8], S1_LOCK[9], S1_LOCK[23], S1_LOCK[22]}; //bits 15 downto 0   
   rom[19] = {5'h18, 16'h1039, S1_DIGITAL_FILT[6], S1_DIGITAL_FILT[7], S1_DIGITAL_FILT[0], 1'b0, //bits 15 downto 12
          S1_DIGITAL_FILT[2], S1_DIGITAL_FILT[1], S1_DIGITAL_FILT[3], S1_DIGITAL_FILT[9], //bits 11 downto 8
          S1_DIGITAL_FILT[8], S1_LOCK[26], 3'h0, S1_LOCK[19], S1_LOCK[18], 1'b0}; //bits 7 downto 0        
   rom[20] = {5'h19, 16'h0000, S1_LOCK[24], S1_LOCK[25], S1_LOCK[21], S1_LOCK[14], S1_LOCK[11], //bits 15 downto 11
          S1_LOCK[12], S1_LOCK[20], S1_LOCK[6], S1_LOCK[35], S1_LOCK[36], //bits 10 downto 6
          S1_LOCK[37], S1_LOCK[3], S1_LOCK[33], S1_LOCK[31], S1_LOCK[34], S1_LOCK[30]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[21] = {5'h1A, 16'hFFFC, 14'h0000, S1_LOCK[28], S1_LOCK[29]};  //bits 15 downto 0
   rom[22] = {5'h1D, 16'h2FFF, S1_LOCK[7], S1_LOCK[4], 1'b0, S1_LOCK[5], 12'h000}; //bits 15 downto 0
      // State 2 Initialization
      rom[23] = {5'h05, 16'h50FF,  S2_CLKOUT0[19], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT0[18], 1'b0,//bits 15 down to 12
                               S2_CLKOUT0[16], S2_CLKOUT0[17], S2_CLKOUT0[15], S2_CLKOUT0[14], 8'h00};//bits 11 downto 0
   rom[24] = {5'h06, 16'h010B,  S2_CLKOUT1[4], S2_CLKOUT1[5], S2_CLKOUT1[3], S2_CLKOUT1[12], //bits 15 down to 12
                               S2_CLKOUT1[1], S2_CLKOUT1[2], S2_CLKOUT1[19], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT1[17], S2_CLKOUT1[16], //bits 11 down to 6
          S2_CLKOUT1[14], S2_CLKOUT1[15], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT0[13], 2'h0}; //bits 5 down to 0
   rom[25] = {5'h07, 16'hE02C,  3'h0, S2_CLKOUT1[11], S2_CLKOUT1[9], S2_CLKOUT1[10], //bits 15 down to 10
                               S2_CLKOUT1[8], S2_CLKOUT1[7], S2_CLKOUT1[6], S2_CLKOUT1[20], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT1[13], //bits 9 down to 4
          2'b00, S2_CLKOUT1[21], S2_CLKOUT1[22]}; //bits 3 down to 0
   rom[26] = {5'h08, 16'h4001,  S2_CLKOUT2[22], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT2[5], S2_CLKOUT2[21], //bits 15 downto 12
                               S2_CLKOUT2[12], S2_CLKOUT2[4], S2_CLKOUT2[3], S2_CLKOUT2[2], S2_CLKOUT2[0], S2_CLKOUT2[19], //bits 11 down to 6
          S2_CLKOUT2[17], S2_CLKOUT2[18], S2_CLKOUT2[15], S2_CLKOUT2[16], S2_CLKOUT2[14], 1'b0}; //bits 5 down to 0
   rom[27] = {5'h09, 16'h0D03,  S2_CLKOUT3[14], S2_CLKOUT3[15], S2_CLKOUT0[21], S2_CLKOUT0[22], 2'h0, S2_CLKOUT2[10], 1'b0, //bits 15 downto 8
                               S2_CLKOUT2[9], S2_CLKOUT2[8], S2_CLKOUT2[6], S2_CLKOUT2[7], S2_CLKOUT2[13], S2_CLKOUT2[20], 2'h0}; //bits 7 downto 0
   rom[28] = {5'h0A, 16'hB001,  1'b0, S2_CLKOUT3[13], 2'h0, S2_CLKOUT3[21], S2_CLKOUT3[22], S2_CLKOUT3[5], S2_CLKOUT3[4], //bits 15 downto 8
                               S2_CLKOUT3[12], S2_CLKOUT3[2], S2_CLKOUT3[0], S2_CLKOUT3[1], S2_CLKOUT3[18], S2_CLKOUT3[19], //bits 7 downto 2
          S2_CLKOUT3[17], 1'b0}; //bits 1 downto 0
   rom[29] = {5'h0B, 16'h0110,  S2_CLKOUT0[5], S2_CLKOUT4[19], S2_CLKOUT4[14], S2_CLKOUT4[17], //bits 15 downto 12
                               S2_CLKOUT4[15], S2_CLKOUT4[16], S2_CLKOUT0[4], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT3[11], S2_CLKOUT3[10], //bits 11 downto 6
          S2_CLKOUT3[9], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT3[7], S2_CLKOUT3[8], S2_CLKOUT3[20], S2_CLKOUT3[6]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[30] = {5'h0C, 16'h0B00,  S2_CLKOUT4[7], S2_CLKOUT4[8], S2_CLKOUT4[20], S2_CLKOUT4[6], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT4[13], //bits 15 downto 10
                               2'h0, S2_CLKOUT4[22], S2_CLKOUT4[21], S2_CLKOUT4[4], S2_CLKOUT4[5], S2_CLKOUT4[3], //bits 9 downto 3
          S2_CLKOUT4[12], S2_CLKOUT4[1], S2_CLKOUT4[2]}; //bits 2 downto 0
   rom[31] = {5'h0D, 16'h0008,  S2_CLKOUT5[2], S2_CLKOUT5[3], S2_CLKOUT5[0], S2_CLKOUT5[1], S2_CLKOUT5[18], //bits 15 downto 11
          S2_CLKOUT5[19], S2_CLKOUT5[17], S2_CLKOUT5[16], S2_CLKOUT5[15], S2_CLKOUT0[3], //bits 10 downto 6
          S2_CLKOUT0[0], S2_CLKOUT0[2], 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT4[11], S2_CLKOUT4[9], S2_CLKOUT4[10]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[32] = {5'h0E, 16'h00D0,  S2_CLKOUT5[10], S2_CLKOUT5[11], S2_CLKOUT5[8], S2_CLKOUT5[9], S2_CLKOUT5[6], //bits 15 downto 11
          S2_CLKOUT5[7], S2_CLKOUT5[20], S2_CLKOUT5[13], 2'h0, S2_CLKOUT5[22], 1'b0, //bits 10 downto 4
          S2_CLKOUT5[5], S2_CLKOUT5[21], S2_CLKOUT5[12], S2_CLKOUT5[4]}; //bits 3 downto 0
   rom[33] = {5'h0F, 16'h0003, S2_CLKFBOUT[4], S2_CLKFBOUT[5], S2_CLKFBOUT[3], S2_CLKFBOUT[12], S2_CLKFBOUT[1], //bits 15 downto 11
                               S2_CLKFBOUT[2], S2_CLKFBOUT[0], S2_CLKFBOUT[19], S2_CLKFBOUT[18], S2_CLKFBOUT[17], //bits 10 downto 6
          S2_CLKFBOUT[15], S2_CLKFBOUT[16], S2_CLKOUT0[12], S2_CLKOUT0[1], 2'b00}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[34] = {5'h10, 16'h800C, 1'b0, S2_CLKOUT0[9], S2_CLKOUT0[11], S2_CLKOUT0[10], S2_CLKFBOUT[10], S2_CLKFBOUT[11], //bits 15 downto 10
          S2_CLKFBOUT[9], S2_CLKFBOUT[8], S2_CLKFBOUT[7], S2_CLKFBOUT[6], S2_CLKFBOUT[13],  //bits 9 downto 5
          S2_CLKFBOUT[20], 2'h0, S2_CLKFBOUT[21], S2_CLKFBOUT[22]}; //bits 4 downto 0
   rom[35] = {5'h11, 16'hFC00, 6'h00, S2_CLKOUT3[3], S2_CLKOUT3[16], S2_CLKOUT2[11], S2_CLKOUT2[1], S2_CLKOUT1[18], //bits 15 downto 6
          S2_CLKOUT1[0], S2_CLKOUT0[6], S2_CLKOUT0[20], S2_CLKOUT0[8], S2_CLKOUT0[7]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[36] = {5'h12, 16'hF0FF, 4'h0, S2_CLKOUT5[14], S2_CLKFBOUT[14], S2_CLKOUT4[0], S2_CLKOUT4[18],  8'h00};  //bits 15 downto 0
   rom[37] = {5'h13, 16'h5120, S2_DIVCLK[11], 1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[10], 1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[7], S2_DIVCLK[8],  //bits 15 downto 10
                               S2_DIVCLK[0], 1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[5], S2_DIVCLK[2], 1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[13], 4'h0};  //bits 9 downto 0
   rom[38] = {5'h14, 16'h2FFF, S2_LOCK[1], S2_LOCK[2], 1'b0, S2_LOCK[0], 12'h000}; //bits 15 downto 0
   rom[39] = {5'h15, 16'hBFF4, 1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[12], 10'h000, S2_LOCK[38], 1'b0, S2_LOCK[32], S2_LOCK[39]}; //bits 15 downto 0         
   rom[40] = {5'h16, 16'h0A55, S2_LOCK[15], S2_LOCK[13], S2_LOCK[27], S2_LOCK[16], 1'b0, S2_LOCK[10],   //bits 15 downto 10
                               1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[9], S2_DIVCLK[1], 1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[6], 1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[3],  //bits 9 downto 3
          1'b0, S2_DIVCLK[4], 1'b0};  //bits 2 downto 0
   rom[41] = {5'h17, 16'hFFD0, 10'h000, S2_LOCK[17], 1'b0, S2_LOCK[8], S2_LOCK[9], S2_LOCK[23], S2_LOCK[22]}; //bits 15 downto 0   
   rom[42] = {5'h18, 16'h1039, S2_DIGITAL_FILT[6], S2_DIGITAL_FILT[7], S2_DIGITAL_FILT[0], 1'b0, //bits 15 downto 12
          S2_DIGITAL_FILT[2], S2_DIGITAL_FILT[1], S2_DIGITAL_FILT[3], S2_DIGITAL_FILT[9], //bits 11 downto 8
          S2_DIGITAL_FILT[8], S2_LOCK[26], 3'h0, S2_LOCK[19], S2_LOCK[18], 1'b0}; //bits 7 downto 0        
   rom[43] = {5'h19, 16'h0000, S2_LOCK[24], S2_LOCK[25], S2_LOCK[21], S2_LOCK[14], S2_LOCK[11], //bits 15 downto 11
          S2_LOCK[12], S2_LOCK[20], S2_LOCK[6], S2_LOCK[35], S2_LOCK[36], //bits 10 downto 6
          S2_LOCK[37], S2_LOCK[3], S2_LOCK[33], S2_LOCK[31], S2_LOCK[34], S2_LOCK[30]}; //bits 5 downto 0
   rom[44] = {5'h1A, 16'hFFFC, 14'h0000, S2_LOCK[28], S2_LOCK[29]};  //bits 15 downto 0
   rom[45] = {5'h1D, 16'h2FFF, S2_LOCK[7], S2_LOCK[4], 1'b0, S2_LOCK[5], 12'h000}; //bits 15 downto 0
   // Initialize the rest of the ROM
      for(ii = 46; ii < 64; ii = ii +1) begin
         rom[ii] = 0;
   // Output the initialized rom value based on rom_addr each clock cycle
   always @(posedge SCLK) begin
      rom_do<=  rom[rom_addr];
   // Everything below is associated whith the state machine that is used to
   // Read/Modify/Write to the PLL.
   // State sync
   reg [3:0]  current_state   = RESTART;
   reg [3:0]  next_state      = RESTART;
   // State Definitions
   localparam RESTART      = 4'h1;
   localparam WAIT_LOCK    = 4'h2;
   localparam WAIT_SEN     = 4'h3;
   localparam ADDRESS      = 4'h4;
   localparam WAIT_A_DRDY  = 4'h5;
   localparam BITMASK      = 4'h6;
   localparam BITSET       = 4'h7;
   localparam WRITE        = 4'h8;
   localparam WAIT_DRDY    = 4'h9;
   // These variables are used to keep track of the number of iterations that
   //    each state takes to reconfigure
   // STATE_COUNT_CONST is used to reset the counters and should match the
   //    number of registers necessary to reconfigure each state.
   localparam STATE_COUNT_CONST = 23;
   reg [4:0] state_count         = STATE_COUNT_CONST;
   reg [4:0] next_state_count    = STATE_COUNT_CONST;
   // This block assigns the next register value from the state machine below
   always @(posedge SCLK) begin
      DADDR       <=  next_daddr;
      DWE         <=  next_dwe;
      DEN         <=  next_den;
      RST_PLL     <= next_rst_pll;
      DI          <=  next_di;
      SRDY        <=  next_srdy;
      rom_addr    <=  next_rom_addr;
      state_count <= next_state_count;
   // This block assigns the next state, reset is syncronous.
   always @(posedge SCLK) begin
      if(!RST) begin
         current_state <=  RESTART;
      end else begin
         current_state <=  next_state;
   always @* begin
      // Setup the default values
      next_srdy         = 1'b0;
      next_daddr        = DADDR;
      next_dwe          = 1'b0;
      next_den          = 1'b0;
      next_rst_pll      = RST_PLL;
      next_di           = DI;
      next_rom_addr     = rom_addr;
      next_state_count  = state_count;
      case (current_state)
         // If RST is asserted reset the machine
         RESTART: begin
            next_daddr     = 5'h00;
            next_di        = 16'h0000;
            next_rom_addr  = 6'h00;
            next_rst_pll   = 1'b1;
            next_state     = WAIT_LOCK;
         // Waits for the PLL to assert LOCKED - once it does asserts SRDY
         WAIT_LOCK: begin
            // Make sure reset is de-asserted
            next_rst_pll   = 1'b0;
            // Reset the number of registers left to write for the next
            // reconfiguration event.
            next_state_count = STATE_COUNT_CONST;
            if(LOCKED) begin
               // PLL is locked, go on to wait for the SEN signal
               next_state  = WAIT_SEN;
               // Assert SRDY to indicate that the reconfiguration module is
               // ready
               next_srdy   = 1'b1;
            end else begin
               // Keep waiting, locked has not asserted yet
               next_state  = WAIT_LOCK;
         // Wait for the next SEN pulse and set the ROM addr appropriately
         //    based on SADDR
         WAIT_SEN: begin
            if(SEN) begin
               // SEN was asserted
               if(!SADDR) begin
                  // Reconfigure with the first (0) state
                  next_rom_addr = 8'h00;
               end else begin
                  // Reconfigure with the second (1) state
                  next_rom_addr = STATE_COUNT_CONST;
               // Go on to address the PLL
               next_state = ADDRESS;
            end else begin
               // Keep waiting for SEN to be asserted
               next_state = WAIT_SEN;
         // Set the address on the PLL and assert DEN to read the value
         ADDRESS: begin
            // Reset the DCM through the reconfiguration
            next_rst_pll  = 1'b1;
            // Enable a read from the PLL and set the PLL address
            next_den       = 1'b1;
            next_daddr     = rom_do[36:32];
            // Wait for the data to be ready
            next_state     = WAIT_A_DRDY;
         // Wait for DRDY to assert after addressing the PLL
         WAIT_A_DRDY: begin
            if(DRDY) begin
               // Data is ready, mask out the bits to save
               next_state = BITMASK;
            end else begin
               // Keep waiting till data is ready
               next_state = WAIT_A_DRDY;
         // Zero out the bits that are not set in the mask stored in rom
         BITMASK: begin
            // Do the mask
            next_di     = rom_do[31:16] & DO;
            // Go on to set the bits
            next_state  = BITSET;
         // After the input is masked, OR the bits with calculated value in rom
         BITSET: begin
            // Set the bits that need to be assigned
            next_di           = rom_do[15:0] | DI;
            // Set the next address to read from ROM
            next_rom_addr     = rom_addr + 1'b1;
            // Go on to write the data to the PLL
            next_state        = WRITE;
         // DI is setup so assert DWE, DEN, and RST_PLL.  Subtract one from the
         //    state count and go to wait for DRDY.
         WRITE: begin
            // Set WE and EN on PLL
            next_dwe          = 1'b1;
            next_den          = 1'b1;
            // Decrement the number of registers left to write
            next_state_count  = state_count - 1'b1;
            // Wait for the write to complete
            next_state        = WAIT_DRDY;
         // Wait for DRDY to assert from the PLL.  If the state count is not 0
         //    jump to ADDRESS (continue reconfiguration).  If state count is
         //    0 wait for lock.
         WAIT_DRDY: begin
            if(DRDY) begin
               // Write is complete
               if(state_count > 0) begin
                  // If there are more registers to write keep going
                  next_state  = ADDRESS;
               end else begin
                  // There are no more registers to write so wait for the PLL
                  // to lock
                  next_state  = WAIT_LOCK;
            end else begin
               // Keep waiting for write to complete
               next_state     = WAIT_DRDY;
         // If in an unknown state reset the machine
         default: begin
            next_state = RESTART;
发表于 2012-12-28 11:56:30 | 显示全部楼层
回复 1# zpf1234

    你没有尝试过吗? 可以综合的
发表于 2012-12-28 11:57:24 | 显示全部楼层
initial 只是一个初始化的状态,相当于寄存器前面加了一级选择器而已
 楼主| 发表于 2012-12-29 14:00:38 | 显示全部楼层
谢谢你,我试过,可以综合,但是我下到自己的板子上,就不工作。不知道什么原因,还有我时序仿真是对的。实现也没有警告。您的意思是,在寄存器初始化的时候可以用initial 一次性赋初值,能够综合?用rst信号也可以,请问两者哪个更好
发表于 2013-5-19 01:39:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2013-6-18 16:56:29 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-2-6 23:21:06 | 显示全部楼层
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