uniquify -all -nolib
set flatten model -seq_constant -seq_constant_x_to 0
set flatten model -nodff_to_dlat_zero -nodff_to_dlat_feedback
// set parallel option -threads 4 -license xl
set analyze option -auto
set system mode lec
analyze datapath -module -verbose
analyze datapath -verbose
// report mapped points
report unmapped points -summary
report unmapped points -extra -unreachable -notmapped
add compared points -all
// report compared points
// report compare data
report compare data -class nonequivalent -class abort -class notcompared
report verification -verbose
report statistics
puts "No of compare points = [get_compare_points -count]"
puts "No of diff points = [get_compare_points -diff -count]"
puts "No of abort points = [get_compare_points -abort -count]"
puts "No of unknown points = [get_compare_points -unknown -count]"
if {[get_compare_points -count] == 0} {
puts "---------------------------------"
puts "ERROR: No compare points detected"
puts "---------------------------------"
if {[get_compare_points -diff -count] > 0} {
puts "------------------------------------"
puts "ERROR: Different Key Points detected"
puts "------------------------------------"
# foreach i [get_compare_points -diff] {
# vpx report test vector [get_keypoint $i]
# puts " ----------------------------"
# }
if {[get_compare_points -abort -count] > 0} {
puts "-----------------------------"
puts "ERROR: Abort Points detected "
puts "-----------------------------"
if {[get_compare_points -unknown -count] > 0} {
puts "----------------------------------"
puts "ERROR: Unknown Key Points detected"
puts "----------------------------------"
exit -force