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下quartus好长时间了,破解一直有问题,显示本机的NIC ID是5ed05a6e198b , 1ed05a6e198b , 00ffb08b758c , 28d2440873f4 , 2cd05a6e198b,好像一般没有这么复杂。。。然后按照网上的破解方法一直不能成功破解,错误提示为Warning (292000): FLEXlm software error: Future license file format or misspelling in license file. The file was issued for a later version of FLEXnet Licensing than this program understands. Feature: quartus License text: , 1ed05a6e198b , 00ffb08b758c , 28d2440873f4 , 2cd05a6e198b TS_OK SIGN="1E75 CDEE 12CC B7C3 EFF7 8BA4 1D44 658E 47DF 7650 178C D53B 25A6 70A7 D6E5 021A B84F 77B4 0BA7 9966 9469 74F4 955F 9E2C DA28 CC7E D35F 3C4F 9CBD 146F" License path: C:\altera\14.0\license.dat; FLEXnet Licensing error:-90,313 For further information, refer to the FLEXnet Licensing documentation, available at "www.flexerasoftware.com"..