Encounter导出GDS时出错-Too many illegal object type。错误如下:
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 1:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer SAB
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 2:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer TG
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 3:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer HR
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 4:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer PO1
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 5:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer PO2
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 6:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer SABCONT
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 7:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer CONT
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 8:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer ME1
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 9:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer VI1
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 10:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer ME2
**WARN:(ENCOGDS-3991):Line 11:Illegal object Type drawing specified with layer VI2
**ERROR:(ENCOGDS-1852): Too many illegal object type. Please make sure the map file is for streamOut, not DFII(Virtuoso)map file.
**ERRORENCOGDS-1852): StreamOut failed. Please check the logfile.