1, Low voltage DC/DC including Charge pump and Li-ion battery charger systematical design and topology buildup;
2, Low EMI, low noise power supply including Bandgap, DC/DC, and LED driver;
3, Consumer field power supply insight and overview including cell phone;
4, Power and signal integrity including process silicon and device physics knowledges, also tackle SSN and Ldi/dt noise;
5, PMT (power management techniques) including ‘Clock and Power Gating’, MSV, PSO, DVS, DVFS and AVFS as compared to PMU (power management unit) professionalism;
6, PVT (process, voltage and temperature) sensor techniques;
7, BMS (battery management system) knowledges;
8, High matching and accuracy LED driver;
9, High matching, low offset and high safety layout and P&R techniques;
10, Mix-signal knowledges;
11, All-around failure prevention techniques;
12, Digital VLSI design flow from verilog to silicon;