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[原创] 有人用过ic compiler II么,长啥样子的

发表于 2014-5-23 14:49:34 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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发表于 2014-5-23 16:27:43 | 显示全部楼层
新思科技(Synopsys)推出 IC Compiler II 新一代布局与绕线(place-and-route)解决方案,以全新的多执行绪架构为基础,并具备超高容量设计规划、独特的时脉建造技术和先进的整体分析收敛技术,可协助客户在进行晶片实体设计时,提升达10倍整体设计效能的生产力。
同时,IC Compiler II也已成功协助多家晶片领导大厂完成投片(tapeout)。

新思科技执行副总裁暨设计事业群总经理Antun Domic表示:「从 RTL 合成(synthesis)、静态时序到实体合成等不同的设计阶段,新思科技的技术创新促进了整体电子设计技术的演进。而这项IC Compiler II解决方案则是专为提升实体设计)的速度所开发,它采用全新的演算法,并提供数据传输前所未见的效率,大幅提升实体设计效能。」

在既有及正开发的先进技术节点,新思科技的IC Compiler持续研发出新的布局绕线系统,来提升设计人员的生产力,包括:开发可支援平行开发的资源及可提升基础核心演算的先进技术,以及与广泛的客户合作以取得回馈,并藉由实际的设计来不断改善技术。而这项计划的具体成果,就是IC Compiler II布局与绕线解决方案。新思科技表示未来仍将持续强化和支援IC Compiler,为其客户提供所需服务,同时也会视客户的选择而提供IC Compiler II解决方案。

IC Compiler II是以新的多执行绪架构为中心之全功能布局绕线系统,能因应超过5亿个instances的晶片设计,该解决方案还参照了产业标准的输入(input)和输出格式以及常见介面和制程技术档案,同时引进创新的设计储存功能。此外,从初始的研发开始,IC Compiler II的开发便着重于全晶片层级,并采用创新的设计规划能力,来达到10倍速的效能提升,同时将记忆体的耗用减少达5倍。因此,这项解决方案能协助设计人员快速评估众多晶片设计平面规划的选项,以便在适当的时机着手进行晶片实作。

IC Compiler II解决方案也具备区块层级(block-level)的各种功能,并且与上述晶片层级功能互补,其背后的支援技术包括新的整体分析最佳化引擎、全新的时脉产生器以及独特的绕线后(post-route)最佳化演算能力,结合这几项技术可提升面积、时序和功耗的品质(QoR)。

此外,IC Compiler II也纳入IC Compiler中的技术如conjugate-gradient布局器和ZRoute绕线器等。和现有解决方案相较,IC Compiler II平均可达到5倍速的执行时间,并减少2倍记忆体空间。执行速度的增加辅以更好的平面规划,再加上可实现的QoR以及轻量的作业环境,IC Compiler II能减少设计iteration的发生,进一步提升设计生产力。

 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-23 17:25:44 | 显示全部楼层
google搜的没用吧,要自己用了才知道,哪一代产品不是号称 the best one,
发表于 2014-5-24 00:38:57 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 herrzhou 于 2014-5-24 00:41 编辑

对用户来说,用法变化不大,GUI和命令行都和ICC差不多,run time小了很多。实现了真正的层次化设计。跑MCMM也会快很多。可以做到在整个流程中不读入full netlist,因此可以支持很大规模的设计。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-5-24 08:58:01 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-9-16 20:27:26 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2014-9-25 15:38:47 | 显示全部楼层
用过了才知道     理论很丰满       现实很骨感
发表于 2014-9-25 16:29:43 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2015-3-11 14:45:38 | 显示全部楼层
ICC2最大的改进是在database上。placement,routing,opt应该基本没有太大变化。改变后最大的好处是runtime和capacity提高很快。但目前看,PPA还有routing的结果比ICC还有差距。 同样cadence针对ICC2也推了个innovas(实际就是encounter的升级版)也是runtime提高很快。估计今年下半年国内就会看到两家PK了
发表于 2015-3-11 14:58:59 | 显示全部楼层
Product Basics
1. What is IC Compiler II? IC Compiler II is a completely new full-featured netlist-to-GDSII system that has been built from the ground up for speed. It is the successor to today’s industry-leading IC Compiler™ product.
2. Is IC Compiler II targeted to specific process nodes? IC Compiler II will support all major established and emerging nodes.
3. What is unique about IC Compiler II? (elevator pitch) IC Complier II has been re-architected from the ground up for speed and offers a game changing 10X improvement in physical design throughput and best-in-class QoR
4. How does it compare to the existing IC Compiler product? IC Compiler II brings all of existing IC Compiler’s industry-leading capabilities and more. It is built on completely new multi-everything infrastructure and supports new critical engines, such as design planning, optimization, CTS, timing and extraction etc. In addition, it leverages some of IC Compiler’s award winning technologies like Zroute digital router and linear placement technology. Together these offer 10X faster design planning, 5X faster implementation with half the memory consumption, and overall 10X faster throughput.
5. Is it built on Milkyway? IC Compiler II is built on a completely new infrastructure and data model that is fundamentally different from Milkyway yet maintains all industry standard inputs, interfaces and technology files.
6. Are IC Compiler I and IC Compiler II compatible? At the highest level, the tools are intrinsically different: System, commands, data model, storage, constraint descriptions, library preparation have all been rethought from the ground up.
7. Can customers go back and forth between IC Compiler I and IC Compiler II? How can customers transfer the database? Both tools operate on standard ASCII file formats; Verilog, LEF, DEF, SDC, etc. As such, designs can be easily exported and imported between the tools.
8. How about correlation among Galaxy tools like Design Compiler and Primetime? We have taken care to ensure that IC Compiler II correlates well with all applicable Galaxy tools. Results can be expected to be very much aligned with IC Compiler I.
9. What happens to the existing IC Compiler product? IC Compiler will continue to be enhanced diligently, with a rich roadmap and dedicated R&D focus and resources.
10. When was IC Compiler II announced? IC Compiler II was publicly announced on March 24th, 2014 at SNUG Silicon Valley in San Jose, CA.
11. Where can I find information about IC Compiler II? The IC Compiler II Product Information Center (PIC) is the one-stop-shop for product information. Publicly available information can be found on the IC Compiler II micro-site.
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