export SNS_HOME=/home/kevin/EDA/2011.10
export PATH="/home/kevin/EDA/2011.10/bin:"$PATH
export LM_LICENSE_FILE=/home/kevin/EDA/license/synopsys.dat:27004@kevin
alias nlint="nLint -gui"
alias lm_nlint="/home/kevin/EDA/2011.10/bin/lmgrd -c /home/kevin/EDA/2011.10/license/nlint.dat"
[kevin@localhost ~]$ lm_nlint
Incorrectly built binary which accesses errno or h_errno directly. Needs to be fixed.
16:46:39 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
16:46:39 (lmgrd) Please Note:
16:46:39 (lmgrd)
16:46:39 (lmgrd) This log is intended for debug purposes only.
16:46:39 (lmgrd) There are many details in licensing policies
16:46:39 (lmgrd) that are not reported in the information logged
16:46:39 (lmgrd) here, so if you use this log file for any kind
16:46:39 (lmgrd) of usage reporting you will generally produce
16:46:39 (lmgrd) incorrect results.
16:46:39 (lmgrd)
16:46:39 (lmgrd) -----------------------------------------------
16:46:39 (lmgrd)
16:46:39 (lmgrd)
16:46:39 (lmgrd) "localhost.localdomain": Not a valid server hostname, exiting.
16:46:39 (lmgrd) Valid server hosts are: "kevin"
16:46:39 (lmgrd) Using license file "/home/kevin/EDA/2011.10/license/nlint.dat"
[kevin@localhost ~]$ nLint -gui
logDir = /home/kevin/nLintLog
rcfile = /home/kevin/EDA/2011.10/etc/nLint.rc
nLint - A HDL Design Rule Checker, Release 2011.10 (Linux) 09/20/2011
Copyright (C) 1996 - 2011 by SpringSoft, Inc.
*WARN* The license node "27004@kevin" does not seem to be responding. Please contact system administrator to correct problem.*WARN* An unresponsive license node can