1. If your sub-module was met of this path. So the timing violation report does the whole chip timing report.2. May be you can check your hide line cell. The AOI and BUFFER cell delay too much. That doesn't make sense.
3. From the item 2, I guess that is the coding issue. May be you can attach you rtl code. We can discussion more detail.
我之前没用过DC-T,今天用了一下,有一个在compile_ultra时有个错误:ErrorC-topograpical Failed to link physical library.(OPT-1428).我是用pdb格式的物理库,set physical_library "tsmc18_5lm.pdb",物理库的路径这些都检查过过没问题。不知道你做的时候遇到个这个问题没有?
在那个大地方本来就不是ideal的吧,我只对clk、rst设置了ideal_network。而Ideal networks are an extension of ideal nets that incorporate automatic propagation of the ideal attribute. the compile command treats all nets, cells, and pins on the transitive fanout of these objects as ideal.所以我对这个命令的理解是只有与clk、rst fanout相关的是ideal的,不过你说的这个倒是提供了一种思路