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ISE 14.2 Implement--Map阶段报出如下warning:Pack:2573:-The F7 multiplexer symbol “**/**/rom32k/SF680321” and its I0 input driver "**/**/rom32k/U0/xst_options.dist_mem_inst/gen_rom.rom_inst/Mram_spo_int18841215" were inplemented suboptimally in the same slice component. The function generator could not be placed directly driving the F7 multiplexer. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
Pack:2574:-The F7 multiplexer symbol “**/**/rom32k/U0/xst_options.dist_mem_inst/gen_rom.rom_inst/Mram_spo_int4861221” and its I1 input driver "**/**/rom32k/U0/xst_options.dist_mem_inst/gen_rom.rom_inst/Mram_spo_int4411" were inplemented suboptimally in the same slice component. The function generator could not be placed directly driving the F7 multiplexer. The design will exhibit suboptimal timing.
其中rom32k为ISE生成的32k Distributed rom IP核。求大侠帮助,这个两个warning对整个电路上板子的正常运行会有什么样的影响,布局布线后仿真正确,但是出现一些不能理解的bug。
1、比如 assign a_in = b; assign b = (!c)? a_out : 1'bz;(其中b为inout型)。行为仿真、翻译后仿真的,a_in都能正常跟随双向口b的高低电平,而映射后仿真和布局布线后仿真中,c=0, a_out=0时b=0,而a_in=1 !!!;修改为 assign a_in =
(c)? b : 1'b0 ; assign b = (!c)? a_out : 1'bz;(其中b为inout型)后,映射后反震和布局布线后仿真c=0, a_out=0时b=0,而a_in=0 正确
2、后仿真的波形与上板子的实际结果不同,后仿真中uart发送ee、aa正确,而上板子后却发送的fb、fb (板子串口正常,烧别的电路可以正确发送)
最后,Pack 2573 & 2574连个warning,小弟是在找不到相关资料,唯一找到的一个还是捷克语的,原文和谷歌翻译如下:
“Mapování, rozmístìní a propojení. Pøi mapování bylo vygenerováno jediné varování, viz ní¾e. Varování neovlivòuje správnou èinnost obvodu a èasování je v poøádku.”
求各位大侠帮助!!真心感谢 |