Sets the fix_hold attribute on clocks in the current design.
status set_fix_holdclocks
Specifies the clocks on which to set the fix_hold attribute.
This command sets the fix_hold attribute on the specified clock objects in the current design. The fix_hold attribute informs optimization that hold time violations of the specified clocks should be fixed.
Fixing a hold violation requires slowing down data signals. Optimization fixes hold violations while fixing the design rules, but only if the maximum delay cost is not increased or if the set_cost_priority command is used to prioritize hold violations ahead of maximum delay cost. Optimization can violate setup and fix hold as long as the worst negative slack (WNS) is not made worse. Optimization might fix hold and violate setup on noncritical paths.
The report_clock -attributes command identifies the clocks that have the fix_hold attribute.
Use the remove_attribute command to remove the fix_hold attribute.Multicorner-Multimode Support
This command applies to the current scenario only.
The following command sets the fix_hold attribute on clock clk1. prompt> set_fix_hold clk1
The following command removes the fix_hold attribute from clock clk1. prompt> remove_attribute [get_clocks clk1] fix_hold