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`timescale 1ps / 1ps
module sdr_sdram_tb();
// defines for the testbench
`define BL 8 // burst length
`define CL 3 // cas latency
`define RCD 2 // RCD
`define LOOP_LENGTH 1024 // memory test loop length
`include "params.v"
reg clk; // Generated System Clock
reg clk2; // staggered system clock for sdram models
reg reset_n; // Reset
reg [2:0] cmd;
reg [`ASIZE-1:0] addr;
reg ref_ack;
reg [`DSIZE-1:0] datain;
reg [`DSIZE/8-1:0] dm;
wire cmdack;
wire [`DSIZE-1:0] dataout;
wire [11:0] sa;
wire [1:0] ba;
wire [1:0] cs_n;
wire cke;
wire ras_n;
wire cas_n;
wire we_n;
wire [`DSIZE-1:0] dq;
wire [`DSIZE/8-1:0] dqm;
reg [`ASIZE-1:0] test_data;
reg [`DSIZE-1:0] test_addr;
reg [11:0] mode_reg;
integer j;
integer x,y,z;
integer bl;
// SDR SDRAM controller
sdr_sdram sdr_sdram1 (
// micron memory models
mt48lc8m16a2 mem00 (.Dq(dq[15:0]),
mt48lc8m16a2 mem01 (.Dq(dq[31:16]),
mt48lc8m16a2 mem10 (.Dq(dq[15:0]),
mt48lc8m16a2 mem11 (.Dq(dq[31:16]),
initial begin
clk = 1;
clk2 = 1;
reset_n = 0; // reset the system
#100000 reset_n = 1;
// system clocks
//133mhz clock always block
always begin
#2750 clk2 = ~clk2;
#1000 clk = ~clk;
//100mhz clock always block
//always begin
// #3 clk2 = ~clk2;
// #2 clk = ~clk;
// write_burst(address, start_value, data_mask, RCD, BL)
// This task performs a write access of size BL
// at SDRAM address to the SDRAM controller
// address : Address in SDRAM to start the burst access
// start_value : Starting value for the burst write sequence. The write burst task
// simply increments the data values from the start_value.
// data_mask : Byte data mask for all cycles in the burst.
// RCD : RCD value that was set during configuration
// BL : BL is the burst length the devices have been configured for.
task burst_write;
input [`ASIZE-1 : 0] address;
input [`DSIZE-1 : 0] start_value;
input [`DSIZE/8-1 : 0] data_mask;
input [1 : 0] RCD;
input [3 : 0] BL;
integer i;
addr <= address;
cmd <= 3'b010; // Issue a WRITEA command
datain <= start_value; // Assert the first data value
dm <= data_mask;
@(cmdack==1); // wait for the ack from the controller
@(posedge clk);
cmd <= 3'b000;
for (i=1 ; i<=(RCD-2); i=i+1) // wait for RAS to CAS to expire
@(posedge clk);
for(i = 1; i <= BL; i = i + 1) // loop from 1 to BL
datain <= start_value + i; // clock the data into the controller
@(posedge clk);
dm <= 0;
// burst_read(address, start_value, CL, RCD, BL)
// This task performs a read access of size BL
// at SDRAM address to the SDRAM controller
// address : Address in SDRAM to start the burst access
// start_value : Starting value for the burst read sequence. The read burst task
// simply increments and compares the data values from the start_value.
// CL : CAS latency the sdram devices have been configured for.
// RCD : RCD value the controller has been configured for.
// BL : BL is the burst length the sdram devices have been configured for
task burst_read;
input [`ASIZE-1 : 0] address;
input [`DSIZE-1 : 0] start_value;
input [1 : 0] CL;
input [1 : 0] RCD;
input [3 : 0] BL;
integer i;
reg [`DSIZE-1 : 0] read_data;
addr <= address;
cmd <= 3'b001; // Issue the READA command
@(cmdack == 1); // wait for an ack from the controller
@(posedge clk);
cmd <= 3'b000; // Issue a NOP
for (i=1 ; i<=(CL+RCD+1); i=i+1) // wait for RAS to CAS to expire
@(posedge clk);
for(i = 1; i <= BL; i = i + 1) // loop from 1 to burst length(BL), collecting and comparing the data
@(posedge clk);
read_data <= dataout;
if (read_data !== start_value + i - 1)
$display("Read error at %h read %h expected %h", (addr+i-1), read_data, (start_value + i -1));
cmd <= 3'b100; // issue a precharge command to close the page
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
cmd <= 3'b000;
// page_write_burst(address, start_value, data_mask, RCD, length)
// This task performs a page write burst access of size length
// at SDRAM address to the SDRAM controller
// address : Address in SDRAM to start the burst access
// start_value : Starting value for the burst write sequence. The write burst task
// simply increments the data values from the start_value.
// data_mask : Byte data mask for all cycles in the burst.
// RCD : RCD value that was set during configuration
// length : burst length of the access.
task page_write_burst;
input [`ASIZE-1 : 0] address;
input [`DSIZE-1 : 0] start_value;
input [`DSIZE/8-1 : 0] data_mask;
input [1 : 0] RCD;
input [15 : 0] length;
integer i;
addr <= address;
cmd <= 3'b010;
datain <= start_value;
dm <= data_mask;
@(posedge clk);
cmd <= 3'b000;
for (i=1 ; i<=(RCD-2); i=i+1)
@(posedge clk);
for(i = 1; i <= length-2; i = i + 1)
datain <= start_value + i;
@(posedge clk);
datain <= start_value + i; // keep incrementing the data value
cmd <= 3'b100; // issue a precharge/terminate command to terminate the page burst
@(posedge clk);
datain <= start_value + i + 1; // increment the data one more
@(cmdack == 1) // Wait for the controller to ack the command
cmd <= 3'b000; // Clear the command by issuing a NOP
dm <= 0;
cmd <= 3'b100; // issue a precharge command to close the page
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
cmd <= 3'b000;
// page_read_burst(address, start_value, CL, RCD, length)
// This task performs a page read access of size length
// at SDRAM address to the SDRAM controller
// address : Address in SDRAM to start the burst access
// start_value : Starting value for the burst read sequence. The read burst task
// simply increments and compares the data values from the start_value.
// CL : CAS latency the sdram devices have been configured for.
// RCD : RCD value the controller has been configured for.
// length : burst length of the access
task page_read_burst;
input [`ASIZE-1 : 0] address;
input [`DSIZE-1 : 0] start_value;
input [1 : 0] CL;
input [1 : 0] RCD;
input [15 : 0] length;
integer i;
reg [`DSIZE-1 : 0] read_data;
addr <= address;
cmd <= 3'b001; // issue a read command to the controller
@(cmdack == 1); // wait for the controller to ack
@(posedge clk);
cmd <= 3'b000;
// NOP on the command input
for (i=1 ; i<=(CL+RCD+1); i=i+1) // Wait for activate and cas latency delays
@(posedge clk);
for(i = 1; i <= length; i = i + 1) // loop and collect the data
@(posedge clk);
read_data <= dataout;
if (i == (length-8)) cmd <= 3'b100; // Terminate the page burst
if (cmdack == 1) cmd<=3'b000; // end the precharge command once the controller has ack'd
if (read_data !== start_value + i - 1)
$display("Read error at %h read %h expected %h", (addr+i-1), read_data, (start_value + i -1));
// config(bl, cl, rc, pm, ref)
// This task cofigures the SDRAM devices and the controller
// bl : Burst length 1,2,4, or 8
// cl : Cas latency, 2 or 3
// rc : Ras to Cas delay.
// pm : page mode setting
// ref : refresh period setting
task config;
input [3 : 0] bl;
input [1 : 0] cl;
input [1 : 0] rc;
input pm;
input [15: 0] ref;
reg [`ASIZE-1 : 0] config_data;
config_data <= 0;
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
if (bl == 1)
config_data[2:0] <= 3'b000; // Set the Burst length portion of the mode data
else if (bl == 2)
config_data[2:0] <= 3'b001;
else if (bl == 4)
config_data[2:0] <= 3'b010;
else if (bl == 8)
config_data[2:0] <= 3'b011;
else if (bl == 0)
config_data[2:0] <= 3'b111; // full page burst configuration value for bl
config_data[6:4] <= cl;
// issue precharge before issuing load_mode
@(posedge clk);
cmd <= 3'b100;
@(cmdack == 1) // Wait for the controller to ack the command
cmd <= 3'b000; // Clear the command by issuing a NOP
@(posedge clk);
// load mode register
cmd <= 3'b101;
addr[15:0] <= config_data;
@(cmdack == 1) // Wait for the controller to ack the command
cmd <= 3'b000; // Clear the command by issuing a NOP
config_data <= 0;
config_data[15:0] <= ref;
@(posedge clk);
// load refresh counter
@(posedge clk);
addr[15:0] <= config_data;
cmd <= 3'b111;
@(cmdack == 1 ); // Wait for the controller to ack the command
cmd <= 3'b000; // Clear the command by issuing a NOP
addr <= 0;
config_data <= 0;
config_data[1:0] <= cl; // load contorller reg1
config_data[3:2] <= rc;
config_data[8] <= pm;
config_data[12:9] <= bl;
@(posedge clk);
addr[15:0] <= config_data;
cmd <= 3'b110;
@(cmdack == 1) // Wait for the controller to ack the command
cmd <= 3'b000; // Clear the command by issuing a NOP
addr <= 0;
config_data <= 0;
initial begin
cmd = 0;
addr = 0;
ref_ack = 0;
dm <= 0;
$display("Testing page burst accesses");
$display("Writing a ramp value from 0-29 out to sdram at address 0x0");
page_write_burst(0, 0, 4'h0, 3, 30);
$display("Reading the ramp value from sdram at address 0x0");
$display("Testing data mask inputs");
$display("writing pattern 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 to sdram at address 0x0");
burst_write(0, 0, 4'b0, 3, 8);
$display("Reading and verifing the pattern 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 at sdram address 0x0");
burst_read(0, 0, 3, 3, 8);
$display("Writing pattern 0xfffffff0, 0xfffffff1, 0xfffffff2, 0xfffffff3, 0xfffffff4, 0xfffffff5, 0xfffffff6, 0xfffffff7");
$display("with DM set to 0xf");
burst_write(0, 32'hfffffff0, 4'b1111, 3, 8);
$display("Reading and verifing that the pattern at sdram address 0x0 is");
$display("still 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7");
burst_read(0, 0, 3, 3, 8);
$display("End of data mask test");
bl = 1;
for (x = 1; x <=4; x = x + 1)
for (y = 3; y <= 3; y = y + 1) // at 133mhz cl must be 3, if 100mhz cl can be 2
for (z = 3; z <=3; z = z + 1) //at 133mhz rc must be 3, if 100mhz rc can be 2
$display("configuring for bl = %d cl = %d rc = %d",bl,y,z);
config(bl, y, z, 0, 1526);
// perform 1024 burst writes to the first chip select, writing a ramp pattern
$display(" eforming burst write to first sdram bank");
test_data <= 0;
test_addr <= 0;
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
for (j = 0; j < `LOOP_LENGTH; j = j + 1)
burst_write(test_addr, test_data, 4'h0, z, bl);
test_data <= test_data + bl;
test_addr <= test_addr + bl;
// perform 1024 burst reads to the first chip select, verifing the ramp pattern
$display(" erforming burst read, verify ramp values in first sdram bank");
test_data <= 0;
test_addr <= 0;
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
for (j = 0; j < `LOOP_LENGTH; j = j + 1)
burst_read(test_addr, test_data, y, z, bl);
test_data <= test_data + bl;
test_addr <= test_addr + bl;
// perform 1024 burst writes to the second chip select, writing a ramp pattern
$display(" eforming burst write to second sdram bank");
test_data <= 24'h400000;
test_addr <= 24'h400000;
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
for (j = 0; j < `LOOP_LENGTH; j = j + 1)
burst_write(test_addr, test_data, 4'h0, z, bl);
test_data <= test_data + bl;
test_addr <= test_addr + bl;
@(posedge clk);
// perform 1024 burst reads to the second chip select, verifing the ramp pattern
$display("Performing burst read, verify ramp values in second sdram bank");
test_data <= 24'h400000;
test_addr <= 24'h400000;
@(posedge clk);
@(posedge clk);
for (j = 0; j < `LOOP_LENGTH; j = j + 1)
burst_read(test_addr, test_data, y, z, bl);
test_data <= test_data + bl;
test_addr <= test_addr + bl;
$display("Test complete");
bl = bl * 2;
endmodule |