set_annotated_delaySets the net or cell delay value between two pins.
status set_annotated_delay
-net |-cell
[-load_delay load_delay_type]
[-rise |-fall]
-from from_pins
-to to_pins
Data Types
load_delay_type string
delay_value float
from_pins list
to_pins list
The followingexampleannotatesacelldelayof20unitsbetweeninputpin A of cell
instance U1/U2/U3 and output pin Z of the same cell instance. The delay value of 20
includes the load delay.
prompt> set_annotated_delay -cell-load_delaycell20\
-from U1/U2/U3/A-toU1/U2/U3/Z
The following example annotates a rise net delay of 1.4 units between output pin U1/
Z and input pin U2/A. The delay value for this net does not include load delay.
prompt> set_annotated_delay -net-rise-load_delaycell1.4\
-from U1/Z-toU2/A
The following example annotates a rise net delay of 12.3 units for minimum delay
analysis betweenthesameoutputpins.Inthiscasethenetdelayvaluedoesinclude
load delay.
prompt> set_annotated_delay -net-rise-min-load_delaynet12.3\
-from U1/Z-toU2/A