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problem:f(x,y)=sinx+2y² , x,y (1,10)
1.Create a BPNN with one hidden layer of 10neurons for the problem.
General 500 training data, 200 checkingdata and 100 testing data.
Graph your data in 3D mode as in Figure 4.9on page 114, show your network
structure and initial weights in a table asin Table4.4 on page121.
2. Train your network and show the errorconverge behavior using MSE.
Graph your outputs and the targets of bothtraining data and testing data
(in separate figures), along with theregression plot and the resulted network
3. Discuss the effect of "number ofnodes in hidden layer". What is the best
number of nodes in hidden layer?
4. Compare the results from GD, GDM and LMin error converge behavior, R2,
training speed, and MAPE.
5. Show your network with the bestpredictions. |