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本帖最后由 lmwzm 于 2013-3-5 15:28 编辑
软件:Synplify pro 2012.03;ISE 14.2器件:spartant6系列的xc6slx100-3fgg484
3.B+C和时候,综合没问题,MAP却提示:ERROR lace:543 - This design does not fit into the number of slices available
in this device due to the complexity of the design and/or constraints.
Resource Usage Report for G001_TOP
Mapping to part: xc6slx100fgg484-3
Cell usage:
BUF 48 uses
DCM_SP 1 use
DSP48A 30 uses
DSP48A1 124 uses
FD 264 uses
FDC 6997 uses
FDCE 8987 uses
FDE 891 uses
FDP 61 uses
FDPE 136 uses
FDR 178 uses
FDRE 1286 uses
FDRSE 162 uses
FDSE 38 uses
GND 338 uses
Latch-Through 221 uses
LDC 6 uses
MUXCY 1380 uses
MUXCY_L 6223 uses
MUXF5 1077 uses
MUXF6 520 uses
MUXF7 1246 uses
MUXF8 253 uses
RAM16X1D 4220 uses
RAM32M 128 uses
RAM32X1D 16 uses
RAMB16BWER 73 uses
RAMB8BWER 5 uses
VCC 338 uses
XORCY 6577 uses
LUT1 2009 uses
LUT2 8342 uses
LUT3 4689 uses
LUT4 3488 uses
LUT5 1668 uses
LUT6 5504 uses
LUT6_2 3 uses
I/O ports: 122
I/O primitives: 118
IBUF 34 uses
IBUFG 1 use
IOBUF 32 uses
OBUF 50 uses
ODDR2 1 use
BUFG 10 uses
SRL primitives:
SRLC16E 64 uses
SRLC32E 64 uses
SRL16 4 uses
SRL16E 488 uses
I/O Register bits: 0
Register bits not including I/Os: 19000 (13%)
Latch bits not including I/Os: 6 (0%)
RAM/ROM usage summary
Dual Port Rams (RAM16X1D): 4220
Dual Port Rams (RAM32X1D): 16
Simple Dual Port Rams (RAM32M): 128
Block Rams : 78 of 268 (29%)
DSP48s: 154 of 180 (85%)
Global Clock Buffers: 10 of 16 (62%)
Total load per clock:
G001_CLK_GEN|clk_1m08_derived_clock: 14493
G001_UL_AB_NB_RX|nb_crc_valid_derived_clock: 2
G001_UL_AB_NB_RX|ab_crc_valid_derived_clock: 2
CLK_GEN|CLK0_BUF_derived_clock: 7380
CLK_GEN|CLKFX_BUF_derived_clock: 774
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[3]: 112
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[4]: 170
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[7]: 78
G001_CLK_GEN|r_count_derived_clock[2]: 406
CLK_GEN|CLKDV_BUF_derived_clock: 5
G001_TOP|i_clk26m: 1
Mapping Summary:
Total LUTs: 32343 (46%)
Distribution of All Consumed LUTs = SRL + RAM + LUT1 + LUT2 + LUT3 + LUT4 + LUT5 + LUT6 + LUT6_2- HLUTNM/2
Distribution of All Consumed Luts 32343 = 620 + 8984 + 2009 + 8342 + 4689 + 3488 + 1668 + 5504 + 3- 5928/2
Number of unique control sets: 347
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Time elapsed 0h:06m:59s; Memory used current: 144MB peak: 425MB)
Process took 0h:07m:10s realtime, 0h:06m:59s cputime
# Mon Mar 04 22:45:17 2013
Resource Usage Report for G001_TOP
Mapping to part: xc6slx100fgg484-3
Cell usage:
BUF 45 uses
DCM_SP 1 use
DSP48A 42 uses
DSP48A1 59 uses
FD 267 uses
FDC 2191 uses
FDCE 7733 uses
FDE 887 uses
FDP 79 uses
FDPE 115 uses
FDR 184 uses
FDRE 1304 uses
FDRSE 162 uses
FDSE 40 uses
GND 311 uses
Latch-Through 130 uses
MUXCY 850 uses
MUXCY_L 3757 uses
MUXF5 1067 uses
MUXF6 516 uses
MUXF7 1003 uses
MUXF8 233 uses
RAM16X1D 4220 uses
RAM32M 80 uses
RAMB16BWER 70 uses
RAMB8BWER 3 uses
VCC 311 uses
XORCY 3963 uses
LUT1 1587 uses
LUT2 2640 uses
LUT3 4187 uses
LUT4 1941 uses
LUT5 945 uses
LUT6 3492 uses
LUT6_2 2 uses
I/O ports: 122
I/O primitives: 118
IBUF 34 uses
IBUFG 1 use
IOBUF 32 uses
OBUF 50 uses
ODDR2 1 use
BUFG 11 uses
SRL primitives:
SRLC16E 64 uses
SRLC32E 33 uses
SRL16 4 uses
SRL16E 507 uses
I/O Register bits: 0
Register bits not including I/Os: 12962 (9%)
RAM/ROM usage summary
Dual Port Rams (RAM16X1D): 4220
Simple Dual Port Rams (RAM32M): 80
Block Rams : 73 of 268 (27%)
DSP48s: 101 of 180 (56%)
Global Clock Buffers: 11 of 16 (68%)
Total load per clock:
G001_CLK_GEN|clk_1m08_derived_clock: 11135
G001_TXv4|package_tx_done_flag_derived_clock: 65
CLK_GEN|CLKFX_BUF_derived_clock: 774
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[3]: 112
CLK_GEN|CLK0_BUF_derived_clock: 4446
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[4]: 170
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[7]: 78
G001_CLK_GEN|r_count_derived_clock[2]: 406
CLK_GEN|CLKDV_BUF_derived_clock: 5
G001_TOP|i_clk26m: 1
Mapping Summary:
Total LUTs: 23550 (34%)
Distribution of All Consumed LUTs = SRL + RAM + LUT1 + LUT2 + LUT3 + LUT4 + LUT5 + LUT6 + LUT6_2- HLUTNM/2
Distribution of All Consumed Luts 23550 = 608 + 8760 + 1587 + 2640 + 4187 + 1941 + 945 + 3492 + 2- 1224/2
Number of unique control sets: 315
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Time elapsed 0h:04m:24s; Memory used current: 107MB peak: 286MB)
Process took 0h:04m:32s realtime, 0h:04m:24s cputime
# Tue Mar 05 08:39:52 2013
Resource Usage Report for G001_TOP
Mapping to part: xc6slx100fgg484-3
Cell usage:
BUF 30 uses
DCM_SP 1 use
DSP48A 42 uses
DSP48A1 83 uses
FD 280 uses
FDC 6153 uses
FDCE 3945 uses
FDE 859 uses
FDP 60 uses
FDPE 133 uses
FDR 70 uses
FDRE 1304 uses
FDRSE 162 uses
FDSE 40 uses
GND 316 uses
Latch-Through 91 uses
LDC 6 uses
MUXCY 938 uses
MUXCY_L 4497 uses
MUXF5 1066 uses
MUXF6 516 uses
MUXF7 851 uses
MUXF8 224 uses
RAM16X1D 4220 uses
RAM32M 48 uses
RAM32X1D 16 uses
RAMB16BWER 65 uses
RAMB8BWER 4 uses
VCC 316 uses
XORCY 4709 uses
LUT1 1682 uses
LUT2 7244 uses
LUT3 3683 uses
LUT4 2571 uses
LUT5 1103 uses
LUT6 3260 uses
LUT6_2 4 uses
I/O ports: 122
I/O primitives: 118
IBUF 34 uses
IBUFG 1 use
IOBUF 32 uses
OBUF 50 uses
ODDR2 1 use
BUFG 8 uses
SRL primitives:
SRLC16E 40 uses
SRLC32E 33 uses
SRL16 4 uses
SRL16E 495 uses
I/O Register bits: 0
Register bits not including I/Os: 13006 (9%)
Latch bits not including I/Os: 6 (0%)
RAM/ROM usage summary
Dual Port Rams (RAM16X1D): 4220
Dual Port Rams (RAM32X1D): 16
Simple Dual Port Rams (RAM32M): 48
Block Rams : 69 of 268 (25%)
DSP48s: 125 of 180 (69%)
Global Clock Buffers: 8 of 16 (50%)
Total load per clock:
G001_CLK_GEN|r_clk_1m08_derived_clock: 10625
G001_TXv4|package_tx_done_flag_derived_clock: 65
G001_UL_AB_NB_RX|ab_crc_valid_derived_clock: 3
G001_UL_AB_NB_RX|nb_crc_valid_derived_clock: 3
CLK_GEN|CLK0_BUF_derived_clock: 6167
CLK_GEN|CLKFX_BUF_derived_clock: 774
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[3]: 112
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[4]: 170
Inital|cnt_clk26m_dv_derived_clock[7]: 78
CLK_GEN|CLKDV_BUF_derived_clock: 1
G001_TOP|i_clk26m: 1
Mapping Summary:
Total LUTs: 26068 (37%)
Distribution of All Consumed LUTs = SRL + RAM + LUT1 + LUT2 + LUT3 + LUT4 + LUT5 + LUT6 + LUT6_2- HLUTNM/2
Distribution of All Consumed Luts 26068 = 572 + 8664 + 1682 + 7244 + 3683 + 2571 + 1103 + 3260 + 4- 5430/2
Number of unique control sets: 262
Mapper successful!
At Mapper Exit (Time elapsed 0h:04m:14s; Memory used current: 115MB peak: 367MB)
Process took 0h:04m:19s realtime, 0h:04m:14s cputime
# Tue Mar 05 09:53:49 2013
Release 14.2 Map P.28xd (nt)
Xilinx Mapping Report File for Design 'G001_TOP'
Design Information
Command Line : map -intstyle ise -p xc6slx100-fgg484-3 -w -logic_opt off -ol
high -xe n -t 1 -xt 0 -register_duplication off -r 4 -global_opt off -mt off
-detail -ir off -pr b -lc off -power off -o G001_TOP_map.ncd G001_TOP.ngd
Target Device : xc6slx100
Target Package : fgg484
Target Speed : -3
Mapper Version : spartan6 -- $Revision: 1.55 $
Mapped Date : Tue Mar 05 14:31:13 2013
Interim Summary
Slice Logic Utilization:
Number of Slice Registers: 12,660 out of 126,576 10%
Number used as Flip Flops: 12,651
Number used as Latches: 6
Number used as Latch-thrus: 0
Number used as AND/OR logics: 3
Number of Slice LUTs: 24,504 out of 63,288 38%
Number used as logic: 15,295 out of 63,288 24%
Number using O6 output only: 10,427
Number using O5 output only: 390
Number using O5 and O6: 4,478
Number used as ROM: 0
Number used as Memory: 8,966 out of 15,616 57%
Number used as Dual Port RAM: 8,536
Number using O6 output only: 8,224
Number using O5 output only: 96
Number using O5 and O6: 216
Number used as Single Port RAM: 0
Number used as Shift Register: 430
Number using O6 output only: 249
Number using O5 output only: 40
Number using O5 and O6: 141
Number used exclusively as route-thrus: 243
Number with same-slice register load: 0
Number with same-slice carry load: 135
Number with other load: 108
Slice Logic Distribution:
Nummber of MUXCYs used: 6,572 out of 31,644 20%
Number of LUT Flip Flop pairs used: 28,133
Number with an unused Flip Flop: 17,760 out of 28,133 63%
Number with an unused LUT: 3,629 out of 28,133 12%
Number of fully used LUT-FF pairs: 6,744 out of 28,133 23%
Number of unique control sets: 509
Number of slice register sites lost
to control set restrictions: 1,484 out of 126,576 1%
A LUT Flip Flop pair for this architecture represents one LUT paired with
one Flip Flop within a slice. A control set is a unique combination of
clock, reset, set, and enable signals for a registered element.
The Slice Logic Distribution report is not meaningful if the design is
over-mapped for a non-slice resource or if Placement fails.
IO Utilization:
Number of bonded IOBs: 117 out of 326 35%
IOB Flip Flops: 109
Specific Feature Utilization:
Number of RAMB16BWERs: 65 out of 268 24%
Number of RAMB8BWERs: 4 out of 536 1%
Number of BUFIO2/BUFIO2_2CLKs: 1 out of 32 3%
Number used as BUFIO2s: 1
Number used as BUFIO2_2CLKs: 0
Number of BUFIO2FB/BUFIO2FB_2CLKs: 1 out of 32 3%
Number used as BUFIO2FBs: 1
Number used as BUFIO2FB_2CLKs: 0
Number of BUFG/BUFGMUXs: 8 out of 16 50%
Number used as BUFGs: 8
Number used as BUFGMUX: 0
Number of DCM/DCM_CLKGENs: 1 out of 12 8%
Number used as DCMs: 1
Number used as DCM_CLKGENs: 0
Number of ILOGIC2/ISERDES2s: 60 out of 506 11%
Number used as ILOGIC2s: 60
Number used as ISERDES2s: 0
Number of IODELAY2/IODRP2/IODRP2_MCBs: 0 out of 506 0%
Number of OLOGIC2/OSERDES2s: 49 out of 506 9%
Number used as OLOGIC2s: 49
Number used as OSERDES2s: 0
Number of BSCANs: 0 out of 4 0%
Number of BUFHs: 0 out of 384 0%
Number of BUFPLLs: 0 out of 8 0%
Number of BUFPLL_MCBs: 0 out of 4 0%
Number of DSP48A1s: 125 out of 180 69%
Number of ICAPs: 0 out of 1 0%
Number of MCBs: 0 out of 4 0%
Number of PCILOGICSEs: 0 out of 2 0%
Number of PLL_ADVs: 0 out of 6 0%
Number of PMVs: 0 out of 1 0%
Number of STARTUPs: 0 out of 1 0%
Number of SUSPEND_SYNCs: 0 out of 1 0%
Design Summary
Number of errors : 5
Number of warnings : 81
Section 1 - Errors
ERROR lace:543 - This design does not fit into the number of slices available
in this device due to the complexity of the design and/or constraints.
Unplaced instances by type:
FF 42 (2.0)
LUTM 368 (4.5)
Please evaluate the following:
- If there are user-defined constraints or area groups:
Please look at the "User-defined constraints" section below to determine
what constraints might be impacting the fitting of this design.
Evaluate if they can be moved, removed or resized to allow for fitting.
Verify that they do not overlap or conflict with clock region restrictions.
See the clock region reports in the MAP log file (*map) for more details
on clock region usage.
- If there is difficulty in placing LUTs:
Try using the MAP LUT Combining Option (map lc area|auto|off).
- If there is difficulty in placing FFs:
Evaluate the number and configuration of the control sets in your design.
The following instances are the last set of instances that failed to place:
0. G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_q/blk00000003/sig00000077 (size: 6)
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_q/blk00000003/sig00000077
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_q/blk00000003/blk0000002f/blk00000032
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_q/blk00000003/sig00000077
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_q/blk00000003/blk00000034/blk00000037
FF G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_q/blk00000003/blk0000002f/blk00000033
FF G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_q/blk00000003/blk00000034/blk00000038
1. G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_i/blk00000003/sig00000077 (size: 6)
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_i/blk00000003/sig00000077
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_i/blk00000003/blk0000002f/blk00000032
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_i/blk00000003/sig00000077
LUTM G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_i/blk00000003/blk00000034/blk00000037
FF G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_i/blk00000003/blk0000002f/blk00000033
FF G001_TX_DFE2/G001_txdfe_HB_i/blk00000003/blk00000034/blk00000038
99. NB_DUT_FIFO/BU2/U0.grf.rf.mem.gdm.dm.N3521 (size: 4)
LUTM NB_DUT_FIFO/BU2/U0.grf.rf.mem.gdm.dm.N3521
LUTM NB_DUT_FIFO/BU2/U0.grf.rf.mem.gdm.dm.Mram_RAM1696/SP
LUTM NB_DUT_FIFO/BU2/U0.grf.rf.mem.gdm.dm.N3521
LUTM NB_DUT_FIFO/BU2/U0.grf.rf.mem.gdm.dm.Mram_RAM1696/DP
ERROR lace:543 - This design does not fit into the number of slices available
in this device due to the complexity of the design and/or constraints.
Unplaced instances by type:
( 以下类似,省略) |