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项目中遇到个问题,其中一个单元模块如果时钟为200M, 则可以顺利map,但如果改成75MHz, MAP 报错
ERROR ack:2412 - The number of logical LUT blocks exceeds the capacity for the target device.
ERROR ack:2860 - The number of logical carry chain blocks exceeds the capacity for the target device. This design requires 44319 slices but only has 11519 slices available that allow carry chains.
ERROR:Map:237 - The design is too large to fit the device. Please check the Design Summary section to see which resource requirement for your design exceeds the resources available in the device. Note that the number of slices reported may not be reflected accurately as their packing might not have been completed.
请问大家这个怎么解释?难道时钟快了 占得资源就要多??
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