E:\资料整理\工具手册 的目录
2012-08-30 16:39 <DIR> .
2012-08-30 16:39 <DIR> ..
2010-01-21 19:52 4,170,240 2812中文手册(清华版).doc
2012-05-22 17:14 154,665 ARM的指令手册(中文).chm
2012-08-28 09:08 <DIR> cadence
2012-08-09 12:44 1,280,483 cadence.pdf
2012-08-09 12:44 6,341,476 calibremanual.pdf
2012-08-09 12:34 3,152,674 calibre_LVS_Option.pdf
2009-07-25 18:21 7,612,275 digital filter designer's handbook.pdf
2012-08-28 09:12 <DIR> doc_IC5141ISR
2012-08-09 12:43 424,498 dracula.pdf
2012-08-20 17:42 1,280,483 e008_cadenceic.pdf
2012-08-28 14:51 1,621,433 eetop.cn_DCT_hierarchical_flow_support.pdf
2012-08-24 10:21 6,700,142 eetop.cn_eetop.cn_SystemVerilog3.1a语言参考手册.chm
2012-08-09 12:37 3,383,957 eetop.cn_Encounter_User_Guide(完整版).pdf
2012-08-22 12:45 2,705,464 eetop.cn_Evaluation on how to use SystemVerilog as a design and assertion language.pdf
2012-08-24 12:01 4,224,087 eetop.cn_Hyperlynx_PCB_EMI_EMC_Simulation.pdf
2012-08-24 10:06 1,204,786 eetop.cn_IDE.pdf
2012-08-24 10:11 1,165,676 eetop.cn_ise tcad.pdf
2012-08-22 13:50 11,688,380 eetop.cn_Ken Kundert_The Designer’s Guide to Spice and Spectre.pdf
2012-08-24 11:59 3,198,815 eetop.cn_mbist_gd.pdf
2012-08-24 10:14 4,240,225 eetop.cn_mom.pdf
2012-08-24 11:59 1,048,754 eetop.cn_OVM使用手册.pdf
2012-08-24 11:01 651,274 eetop.cn_Python 中文手册.pdf
2012-08-24 11:07 2,255,339 eetop.cn_Python 学习笔记.pdf
2012-08-24 10:17 725,754 eetop.cn_sdc_command.pdf
2012-08-20 17:36 3,383,957 Encounter User Guide(完整版).pdf
2004-09-19 17:42 2,147,602 FPGA Compiler II FPGA Express Verilog HDL Reference Manual.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> galaxy_docs_2010.06
2011-08-12 11:46 1,349,598 GNU make中文手册.pdf
2012-08-28 09:07 <DIR> Laker DOC
2008-10-16 13:32 6,474,654 pinnacleuserguide.pdf
2012-08-23 10:17 <DIR> PrimeTime资料合集
2012-08-20 17:39 4,319,076 SiliconSmartusers_guide.pdf
2012-08-28 09:06 <DIR> skill
2012-08-30 14:47 <DIR> SKILL语言
2012-08-28 08:49 <DIR> StarRCXT
2012-08-28 09:07 <DIR> synopsys
2006-09-27 22:22 <DIR> Synopsys Liberty User Guide
2009-07-04 12:46 2,661,170 SystemVerilog 3.1a 语言参考手册.exe
2006-05-21 20:24 6,700,142 SystemVerilog3.1a语言参考手册.chm
2006-02-10 01:40 23,650,977 Turbo Toolbox Workshop Manual Training Lecture.pdf
2007-09-30 00:45 2,865,214 vim71.pdf
2012-07-23 17:45 3,659,713 virtuoso-xl手册.pdf
2012-08-09 12:44 377,855 workview.pdf
33 个文件 126,820,838 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\cadence 的目录
2012-08-28 09:08 <DIR> .
2012-08-28 09:08 <DIR> ..
2001-08-17 09:24 16,478 Affirma Modelwriter Product Notes.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 6,433,745 Affirma RF Simulator User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 2,216,890 Affirma? Spectrea Circuit Simulator User.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 2,284,305 Affirma? Analog Circuit Design.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 1,210,768 Affirma? Mixed-Signal Circuit Design.pdf
2001-08-17 09:26 2,789,579 Affirma? Verilog?-A Language Reference.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 458,411 Analog Waveform User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 44,529 Cadence Accelerated Transistor-Level Simulator Product Notes.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 42,450 Cadence Accelerated Transistor-Level-Simulator Known Problems and Solutions.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 2,957,918 Cadence Accelerated Transistor-Level.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 1,363,471 Cadence AMS Simulator User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 114,618 Cadence Documentation System Product NT.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 418,513 Cadence Documentation User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 227,931 Cadence Installation Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 1,752,883 Cadence Library Manager User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 948,828 Cadence License Manager.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 1,618,628 Cadence Microwave Simulation User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 3,049,716 Cadence SPICE? Reference Manual.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 586,320 Cadence to Synopsys Interface User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:22 878,365 Cadence? Application Infrastructure.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 446,636 Cadence? Design Framework II.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 204,751 Cadence? File Manager Reference.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 474,000 Cadence? Hierarchy Editor User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 953,087 Cadence? Parasitic Simulation User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 216,924 Cadence?Job Monitor Reference.pdf
2010-03-19 20:32 1,791,872 Cell Design Tutorial.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 20,457 Comparescan Known Problems and.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 760,009 Comparescan User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 1,973,075 Compatibility Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 1,808,267 Dracula? User Guide.pdf
2012-08-24 10:26 3,132,536 eetop.cn_ADE_5_1_41_lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:06 13,908,119 eetop.cn_ADE_5_1_41_lab_中文.pdf
2012-08-24 10:25 2,758,501 eetop.cn_ADE_5_1_41_Lecture.pdf
2012-08-24 10:23 1,228,047 eetop.cn_AMSDesigner_5_7.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:26 2,320,293 eetop.cn_AMSDesigner_5_7.OH notes.pdf
2012-08-24 10:26 696,344 eetop.cn_AssuraRCX_3_1_7.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:26 829,023 eetop.cn_AssuraRCX_3_1_7.OH notes.pdf
2012-08-24 10:25 818,692 eetop.cn_Assura_3_1_7.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:25 978,484 eetop.cn_Assura_3_1_7.OH notes.pdf
2012-08-24 11:00 820,986 eetop.cn_cadence spectre 使用手册.pdf
2012-08-24 10:26 336,006 eetop.cn_Dracula_4_8.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:27 928,810 eetop.cn_Dracula_4_8.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 10:28 136,547 eetop.cn_QRC_5_2.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:29 619,336 eetop.cn_SKILL Language Programming.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:32 1,415,982 eetop.cn_SKILL Language Programming.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 12:00 2,425,842 eetop.cn_Spectre Circuit Simulator Device Model Equation-Cadence-Bsimbjtjfet.pdf
2012-08-24 11:18 2,741,199 eetop.cn_SpectreRFTools_5_1_41.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:17 2,388,244 eetop.cn_SpectreRFTools_5_1_41.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:21 879,965 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Aptivia Specification-Driven Environment.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:21 1,128,974 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Aptivia Specification-Driven Environment.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 10:42 1,504,709 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Chip Assembly Router _lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:39 1,164,864 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Chip Assembly Router _lecture.pdf
2012-08-24 10:48 1,819,490 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Connectivity-Driven Layout.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:09 7,759,469 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Connectivity-Driven Layout.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:14 470,385 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Digital Implementation Option.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:23 2,342,717 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Digital Implementation Option.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:13 465,109 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Floorplanner.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:19 2,295,084 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Floorplanner.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:21 2,998,399 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Layout Design Basics.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:30 6,078,537 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Layout Design Basics.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:22 2,000,605 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Layout Editor.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:27 4,946,481 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Layout Editor.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:15 264,157 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Layout Migrate.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:18 1,220,551 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Layout Migrate.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:26 2,653,685 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Space-Based Router.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:31 4,764,415 eetop.cn_Virtuoso Space-Based Router.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:13 1,875,058 eetop.cn_Virtuoso UltraSim Full-chip Simulator.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 10:43 2,244,874 eetop.cn_Virtuoso UltraSim Full-chip Simulator.lect.pdf
2012-08-24 11:31 2,774,991 eetop.cn_Virtuoso XL Layout Editor.lab.pdf
2012-08-24 11:33 3,828,331 eetop.cn_Virtuoso XL Layout Editor.lect.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 4,072,638 Envisia? Gate Ensemble? Place-and-Route.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 4,724,510 Envisia? Silicon Ensemble? Place-and-.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 23,809 Envisia? Silicon Ensemble?.pdf
2001-08-17 09:26 1,218,174 Guide to VHDL In? for Design Framework? II.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 505,703 HSPICESPICE? Interface & SPICE? 2G6.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 241,266 Inherited Connections Flow Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 261,847 Library Manager User Guide.pdf
2010-03-19 20:31 1,965,205 OCEAN Reference.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 857,315 Plotter Configuration User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 53,293 Powerscan User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:24 1,869,289 Preview? Silicon Ensemble Reference.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 45,410 Signalscan Waves Known Problems and.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 2,096,750 Signalscan Waves User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 1,854,945 SKILL Language User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:25 1,912,805 Spectre RF Help for SpectreS.pdf
2001-08-17 09:26 1,559,889 Team Design Manager Administrator Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:26 1,142,117 Team Design Manager User Guide.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 2,703,614 Verilog?-XL Integration for Composer?.pdf
2010-03-19 20:31 23,824 Virtuoso? Advanced Analysis Tools Known.pdf
2010-03-19 20:31 1,524,442 Virtuoso? Advanced Analysis Tools User.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 1,294,683 Virtuoso? Core Optimizer and Virtuoso.pdf
2001-08-17 09:23 487,106 Virtuoso? EDIF 200 Reader and Writer User.pdf
2001-08-17 09:26 4,182,552 Virtuoso? Layout Editor User Guide.pdf
2010-05-05 10:00 2,091,419 Virtuoso? Spectre? Circuit Simulator User.pdf
2010-03-19 20:32 507,905 WaveScan Tutorial.pdf
95 个文件 169,247,775 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\doc_IC5141ISR 的目录
2012-08-28 09:12 <DIR> .
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2006-06-09 00:00 17,977 abstractedWN.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 38,079 amsenvugKPNS.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 121,084 amsenvugwn.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 36,922 AMSinADEFAQ.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,292,968 amssimug.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 176,343 amssimugKPNS.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 121,596 amssimugwn.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,657,075 analoglibref.pdf
2006-08-03 00:00 3,944,473 anasimhelp.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 116,758 anasimWN.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 410,081 anawavefm.pdf
2008-06-02 13:38 1,050,331 ascitechfile.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 2,175,890 caiuser.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 31,640 caiuserPN.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,704,977 calc.pdf
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2006-10-11 00:00 1,905,451 cdfuser.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 584,774 cdsuser.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 62,483 cdsuserWN.pdf
2006-09-12 00:00 3,931,404 celltut.pdf
2006-08-04 00:00 317,692 cicMigGuide.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 407,540 cicnew.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 261,998 coeffgen.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 17,386 coeffgenPN.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 12,611 compactKPNS.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 1,630,643 compvhdluser.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 18,373 compvhdlWN.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 448,865 distproc.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 23,157 distprocKPNS.pdf
2006-08-30 00:00 5,305,309 divaref.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 23,755 draciaKPNS.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 24,803 draciaPN.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 718,355 draciaref.pdf
2006-09-14 00:00 973,672 draciatut.pdf
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2006-09-17 00:00 7,308,850 dracularef.pdf
2006-09-15 00:00 2,848,586 draculauser.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 23,549 filemanagerKPNS.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,216,452 flexlm_enduser.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 77,918 FoundryX.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 859,295 gcfref.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 252,020 global_routing_ug.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 622,670 gpdk_referenceManual.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 798,456 hdldebuguser.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 992,338 hierEditor.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 26,978 hierEditorPN.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 577,048 hspiceref.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,112,996 iccausr.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 288,313 inhconnflow.pdf
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2006-06-09 00:00 829,443 lefapi.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 98,583 lefapiWN.pdf
2008-06-02 13:38 1,177,880 lefdefref.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 133,993 lefdefWN.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,490,285 libManager.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 211,215 libMgr.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,220,474 license.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 709,787 matlabmeasug.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 27,450 mdlKPNS.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 30,985 mdlPN.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 274,191 mdlref.pdf
2006-06-09 00:00 1,465,724 migrate.pdf
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129 个文件 109,249,303 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06 的目录
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> icv
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> lncx
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> primerail
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> test
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:58 157,867 acsqr.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:58 548,365 espcov.pdf
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\esp\index 的目录
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\formality 的目录
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2010-06-04 00:58 1,704,262 slpfug.pdf
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\formality\index 的目录
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-05 10:52 4,848 index.idx
2010-06-05 10:52 1,069,500 index1.idx
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\hercules 的目录
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:58 6,246,657 herctut.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 1,514,131 hercugdrcerc.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 3,402,457 hercuggeneral.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 2,553,381 hercuglvs.pdf
2010-06-04 01:04 22,360 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:32 413 index.pdx
2010-06-04 00:58 5,639,752 VUEug.pdf
8 个文件 34,884,173 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\hercules\index 的目录
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-05 00:32 4,848 index.idx
2010-06-05 00:32 4,547,117 index1.idx
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:58 1,461,563 icccrt.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 12,359,570 iccdp.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 2,641,499 icclib.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 2,890,560 iccqr.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 2,143,688 icctf.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 12,183,182 iccug.pdf
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:35 417 index.pdx
2010-06-04 00:58 494,487 lpan.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 339,090 sdc.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 1,704,262 slpfug.pdf
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\icc\index 的目录
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-05 00:35 4,848 index.idx
2010-06-05 00:35 5,786,499 index1.idx
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-05 10:26 105,060 Hercules_Dimensionals_Commands-ICV_Functions.pdf
2010-06-04 01:05 20,787 home.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 20,444,287 icvrefman.pdf
2010-06-04 00:58 2,380,691 icvug1.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 4,525,210 icvVUEug.pdf
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> index
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\library 的目录
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> ..
2010-06-04 01:06 26,315 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:39 442 index.pdx
2010-06-04 00:59 138,592 lcqr.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 8,974,819 lcrm1.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 1,976,170 lcrm2.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 4,248,218 lcrm3.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 5,814,660 lcug1.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 8,099,403 lcug2.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 854,185 lcug3.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 2,608,535 libchk.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 494,487 lpan.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:00 <DIR> .
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2010-06-05 00:39 4,848 index.idx
2010-06-05 00:39 4,621,165 index1.idx
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\lic 的目录
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 01:06 19,812 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-04 00:59 414 index.pdx
2010-06-04 00:59 1,588,081 licug.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:59 4,848 index.idx
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\lncx 的目录
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:59 569,944 ccsnug.pdf
2010-06-04 01:07 20,487 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:40 416 index.pdx
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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2010-06-05 00:40 795,522 index1.idx
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> esp
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> frm
2010-06-05 10:28 68,032 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> icc
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> mw
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> nt
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> pp
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> pt
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> synth
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:59 60,256 amps2.pdf
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\manpages\astro 的目录
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 00:59 45,736 astro1.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 3,336,792 astro2.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> ..
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2010-06-04 00:59 1,812,527 frm2.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> ..
2010-06-04 01:08 22,608 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:41 413 index.pdx
2010-06-04 00:59 905,364 ntqr.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 8,968,996 ntug.pdf
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2010-06-04 00:59 4,683,282 enrm.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 3,338,789 enug.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 407,907 fpgaqr.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 2,283,737 fpgug.pdf
2010-06-05 10:27 65,987 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:43 419 index.pdx
2010-06-04 00:59 1,207,136 mcex.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 2,439,861 mcrm.pdf
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2010-06-04 00:59 4,621,842 pmarg.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 631,732 pmqr.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 6,135,426 pmug.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 3,898,045 ppm.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 266,836 ppqr.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> ..
2010-06-04 01:09 24,136 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:44 421 index.pdx
2010-06-04 00:59 317,590 pwcqr.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 5,383,992 pwcug.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> ..
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> ..
2010-06-04 01:10 19,797 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:44 414 index.pdx
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\galaxy_docs_2010.06\primetime 的目录
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> ..
2010-06-04 00:59 569,944 ccsnug.pdf
2010-06-04 01:10 27,356 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:46 421 index.pdx
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2010-06-04 00:59 1,593,116 ptmug.pdf
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2010-06-04 00:59 2,931,150 ptsi.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 4,528,371 ptuga.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 6,033,253 ptugf.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 1,107,762 ptvx.pdf
2010-06-04 00:59 339,090 sdc.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
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2010-06-04 01:00 2,566,462 asrug.pdf
2010-06-04 01:00 45,736 astro1.pdf
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2010-06-04 01:00 1,637,870 asuga.pdf
2010-06-04 01:00 3,873,067 asugp.pdf
2010-06-04 01:11 28,953 home.pdf
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2010-06-04 01:00 11,126,308 jvfug.pdf
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2010-06-04 01:00 2,439,070 dftxg2.pdf
2010-06-04 01:00 1,138,335 dftxgo.pdf
2010-06-04 01:11 26,381 home.pdf
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> index
2010-06-05 00:47 420 index.pdx
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2010-06-04 01:00 10,392,246 tmug.pdf
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2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> .
2011-08-18 08:01 <DIR> ..
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E:\资料整理\工具手册\Laker DOC 的目录
2012-08-28 09:07 <DIR> .
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2012-07-09 11:29 2,199,999 L3_Command_Chinese.pdf
2012-07-09 11:30 4,387,791 Laker Custom IC Design Solutions_user.pdf
2012-06-06 00:16 1,249,157 Laker Fully Custom Layout Editor.pdf
2012-04-30 01:12 37,068,615 Laker Fundamental Training.pdf
2012-04-29 23:56 22,384,327 Laker L3 Schematic Driven Layout Training.pdf
2010-06-20 21:12 2,410,661 Laker Layout.PDF
2012-04-03 14:36 8,574,693 Laker training.pdf
2012-06-04 12:52 1,763,407 Laker.pdf
2004-05-06 14:02 5,202,546 LakerTCL.pdf
2012-06-06 00:17 3,725,995 Laker_L3_0406.pdf
2012-07-09 11:29 4,345,363 laker_user.pdf
2012-04-03 14:15 3,492,602 Laker全定制IC设计平台.pdf
2012-04-03 14:05 72,234 Laker安裝與環境設置.pdf
2012-07-09 11:28 2,991,892 TCLforLCDdocument.pdf
2012-07-09 11:20 1,230,477 版图软件laker的操作手册_L3_LabBook.pdf
15 个文件 101,099,759 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\PrimeTime资料合集 的目录
2012-08-23 10:17 <DIR> .
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2010-08-04 21:51 151,040 eetop.cn_prime flow and methedology(流程和方法).doc
2011-06-02 20:37 1,644,340 eetop.cn_Prime Time new.rar
2011-05-31 23:22 36,864 eetop.cn_PrimeTime 的基本概念.doc
2011-04-16 09:55 329,873 eetop.cn_Primetime&Formality实例解读.rar
2011-05-31 23:23 106,607 eetop.cn_primetime_in_20_steps.pdf
2011-04-01 23:08 378,220 eetop.cn_PrimeTime使用說明(中文).pdf
2011-05-31 23:02 769,397 eetop.cn_PT_clock_student_guide_2007.rar
2011-06-10 18:58 4,005,639 eetop.cn_Synopsys_Timing_Constraints_and_Optimization.pdf
2012-03-15 09:23 <DIR> primetime实用教程PPT
2010-03-14 18:59 <DIR> PT培训教程完全版本
2011-03-31 20:02 <DIR> synopsys pritime & formality中文资料
9 个文件 8,508,321 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\PrimeTime资料合集\primetime实用教程PPT 的目录
2012-03-15 09:23 <DIR> .
2012-03-15 09:23 <DIR> ..
2001-02-23 07:49 170,162 PT_Unit_1.pdf
2001-02-23 07:50 114,414 PT_Unit_2.pdf
2001-02-23 07:51 135,887 PT_Unit_3.pdf
2001-02-23 07:52 117,300 PT_Unit_4.pdf
2001-02-23 07:52 55,839 PT_Unit_5.pdf
2001-02-23 07:53 125,554 PT_Unit_6.pdf
2001-02-23 07:53 267,371 PT_Unit_7.pdf
2001-02-23 07:54 352,212 PT_Unit_8.pdf
8 个文件 1,338,739 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\PrimeTime资料合集\PT培训教程完全版本 的目录
2010-03-14 18:59 <DIR> .
2010-03-14 18:59 <DIR> ..
2000-10-25 17:08 28,219 Eval.pdf
2001-12-05 10:19 57,856 PrimeTime_ KIT_S03W1.xls
2001-11-28 14:59 32,256 PrimeTime_S13W1_TOC.doc
2008-11-14 15:10 603,648 PT_S13W1_00.ppt
2001-11-28 13:38 577,536 PT_S13W1_01.ppt
2008-11-17 08:44 925,184 PT_S13W1_02.ppt
2008-11-17 13:39 298,496 PT_S13W1_03.ppt
2001-11-28 14:36 152,064 PT_S13W1_04.ppt
2001-11-28 14:37 259,584 PT_S13W1_05.ppt
2001-11-28 14:39 225,792 PT_S13W1_06.ppt
2001-11-28 14:44 456,192 PT_S13W1_07.ppt
2001-11-28 14:45 199,680 PT_S13W1_08.ppt
2001-11-28 16:08 324,608 PT_S13W1_09.ppt
2001-11-28 14:57 536,064 PT_S13W1_10.ppt
2001-11-28 16:20 111,616 PT_S13W1_SG_diecut_Cover.fm
2001-11-28 16:26 16,896 PT_S13W1_SG_print_reqst.xls
16 个文件 4,805,691 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\PrimeTime资料合集\synopsys pritime & formality中文资料 的目录
2011-03-31 20:02 <DIR> .
2011-03-31 20:02 <DIR> ..
2005-11-01 00:16 372,112 wlli.pdf
1 个文件 372,112 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\skill 的目录
2012-08-28 09:06 <DIR> .
2012-08-28 09:06 <DIR> ..
2009-05-13 11:09 4,220,654 skdesign_framework_ref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:09 474,853 skdevref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:09 957,363 skhelp.pdf
2012-08-09 12:42 2,685,205 Skill Layoutref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:09 250,350 skipcref.pdf
2009-12-02 17:20 2,203,350 sklangref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 2,378,144 sklanguser.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 2,757,242 sklayoutref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 180,176 skoopref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 2,077,570 sktechfile.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 4,220,654 skuiref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 164,549 skuirefKPNS.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 4,220,654 sk_user_interface_ref.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 107,015 techfileKPNS.pdf
2009-05-13 11:10 74,047 techfilePN.pdf
2010-04-15 17:39 470 新建 文本文档.txt
16 个文件 26,972,296 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\SKILL语言 的目录
2012-08-30 14:47 <DIR> .
2012-08-30 14:47 <DIR> ..
2002-12-20 10:00 170,467 skill++对象系统函数参考.pdf
2002-12-20 10:00 410,186 skill扩展函数参考.pdf
2002-12-20 10:00 698,507 skill扩展帮助.pdf
2002-12-20 10:00 243,170 skill程序接口函数参考.pdf
2002-12-20 10:01 2,093,275 skill语言参考.pdf
2002-12-20 10:01 2,382,025 skill语言用户指南.pdf
6 个文件 5,997,630 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\StarRCXT 的目录
2012-08-28 08:49 <DIR> .
2012-08-28 08:49 <DIR> ..
2010-06-17 14:01 2,510,305 strm.pdf
2004-02-24 07:59 1,861,239 stug.pdf
2010-07-23 15:10 2,137 运行步骤.txt
3 个文件 4,373,681 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\synopsys 的目录
2012-08-28 09:07 <DIR> .
2012-08-28 09:07 <DIR> ..
2012-08-20 17:35 1,115,480 Design Compiler Reference Manual Optimization and Timing Analysis.pdf
2012-08-24 10:24 5,427,066 eetop.cn_dcug.pdf
2012-08-24 10:21 6,064,187 eetop.cn_dftxg1.pdf
2012-08-24 10:21 4,251,807 eetop.cn_forug.pdf
2012-08-24 10:16 2,384,860 eetop.cn_PrimeTime PX User Guide.pdf
2012-08-24 10:17 2,931,150 eetop.cn_PrimeTime SI User Guide.pdf
2012-08-24 10:21 4,528,371 eetop.cn_ptuga.pdf
2012-08-24 10:23 6,033,253 eetop.cn_ptugf.pdf
2012-08-24 10:35 10,422,947 eetop.cn_tmug.pdf
2012-08-24 10:25 6,439,461 eetop.cn_vera_user_guide.pdf
10 个文件 49,598,582 字节
E:\资料整理\工具手册\Synopsys Liberty User Guide 的目录
2006-09-27 22:22 <DIR> .
2006-09-27 22:22 <DIR> ..
2005-11-09 12:00 229,141 ccst_liberty_syntax.pdf
2005-11-09 12:00 124,518 ccs_timing_wp.pdf
2005-11-29 12:00 728,009 lrm.pdf
2005-11-29 12:00 1,364,950 lug.pdf
2005-11-29 12:00 848,730 lug2.pdf
5 个文件 3,295,348 字节 |