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本人最近在看《A Practical Guide Adoping the Universal Verificaiton Methodology》一书,在此书中的5.3.1一节中,提到infinity minus,本人英语不大好,理解不了,这一段讲的是神马,只能靠猜,不解之余只能上论坛来求助于诸位,不知有谁知否?原文如下:
Infinityminus—Randomnesshas proven as an efficient tool for uncovering unanticipated bugs. As youimplement your testbench it is a good practice to use all random values. Theinfinity minus flow means that a wide variety of values are randomized bydefault (infinity). Individual tests use constraints to trim the possible legalvalues to test-specific values. The opposite for infinity-minus is to startwith directed tests or a structured stimuli and finish with randomness at theend. 我蒙着一段的意思是说无穷的随机化,心中忐忑不敢肯定。还请各位高人不吝指点! |