发表于 2016-4-20 10:53:49
To dump signal-value-change information to the FSDB file instead of the VCD
file. The syntax usage of this task is exactly the same as for $dumpvars.
$fsdbDumpvars([level] [, module | var]*);
$fsdbDumpvars("level=", level [, module | var]*);
$fsdbDumpvars("+no_functions" | ["level=", level] [, module |
Specifies how may levels of the hierarchy to dump for the subsequent
scopes. If the subsequent arguments are variables, only these variables will
be dumped. If you want to specify this level argument as variable type, you
have specify the first argument as string literal level= and the second
argument as level argument.
<module | var>:
This definition gives either the module scope or variables that specify the
objects to dump.
Dump all variables in the module that contains this statement and in all
module instances below this module.
$fsdbDumpvars(0, system);
Dump all variables in the system module and in all module instances below
$fsdbDumpvars(1, system.i_cpu, system.i_CPU.i_PCU.net1);
462 Debussy Command Reference
Dump all the variables in scope system.i_cpu and the variable
$fsdbDumpvars("level=", level_reg, system);
Dump all variables in the system module and in all module instances below
it up to the depth that level_reg variable indicates.
If you specify +no_functions string option in $fsdbDumpvars call, the functions
in the design will not be dumped. You can do it with either
$fsdbDumpvars("+no_functions","level=",0, system);
$fsdbDumpvars(0, "+no_functions",system);
The $fsdbDumpvars call dumps all children and descent scopes except
functions under the scope system. |