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logDir = /Laker/platform/LINUX/bin/lakerLog/laker_04_08_19_31_7507
Open default display file = /Laker/etc/default.dsp
Laker - Custom Layout Automation System, 2011.06 32-bit (Linux) 08/18/2011
Copyright (C) 1999 - 2011 by SpringSoft, Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
This computer program constitutes or contains trade secrets and confidential
information of SpringSoft Inc. or its licensors. This computer program is
protected by copyright law and international treaties.
Display :0.0 ==> Current mode : TrueColor
The PseudoColor mode is not available under current setting. Switch to use TrueColor mode.
*** Limitation: Blinking is not supported under TrueColor mode.
fontPath(SPS_FONT_PATH) = /Laker/TTFont
*ERROR* License checking failed, or the maximum number of licensed users has been reached. Use laker -licdebug for more information. |