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用xilinx公司的ip核MIG生成DDR2 SDRAM控制器,综合和translate都能过,MAP报错!求助!!!
集成软件:ise12.2 综合工具:synplify pro FPGA: Virtex-5 IPCORE : MIG v3.5
报错内容:ERROR ack:1560 - The register "u_DDR/u_ddr2_top_0/u_mem_if_top/u_phy_top/u_phy_io/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_tri_state_dqs" has the property IOB=FORCE, but was not packed into the OLOGIC component. The output signal for register symbol.
"u_DDR/u_ddr2_top_0/u_mem_if_top/u_phy_top/u_phy_io/gen_dqs[0].u_iob_dqs/u_tri_state_dqs" requires general routing to fabric,but the register can only be routed to ILOGIC,IODELAY and IOB. |