module fifo(clka,clkb,rd_en,wt_en,full,empty,clr,din,dout);
parameter width = 7,
addr_width = 9,
max_width = 1023,
gray_txt = 10'b1000000000;
input clka,clkb,clr,rd_en,wt_en;
input[width:0] din;
output[width:0] dout;
output full,empty;
reg[width:0] dout;
reg full,empty;
reg[width:0] remb[0:max_width];
reg[addr_width:0] rd_p,wt_p;
reg txta,txtb;
// write data
always @(posedge clka)
if(full == 0 && wt_en)
remb[wt_p] <= din;
// read data
always @(posedge clkb)
if(empty == 0 && rd_en)
dout <= remb[rd_p];
//write pointer
always @(posedge clka or negedge clr)
wt_p <= gray(clr,(full || wt_en == 0));
//read pointer
always @(posedge clkb or negedge clr)
rd_p <= gray1(clr,(empty || rd_en == 0));
//singal txta for write
always @(posedge clka or negedge clr)
txta <= 0;
else if(wt_p == gray_txt)
txta <= ~txta;
//singal txtb for read
always @(posedge clkb or negedge clr)
txtb <= 0;
else if(rd_p == gray_txt)
txtb <= ~txtb;
// full generate
always @(posedge clka or negedge clr)
full <= 0;
else if(txta == ~txtb && wt_p == rd_p)
full <= 1;
full <= 0;
// empty generate
always @(posedge clkb or negedge clr)
empty <= 1;
else if(txta == txtb && wt_p == rd_p)
empty <= 1;
empty <= 0;
//gray for address pointer
function[addr_width:0] gray;
input clr;
input en;
reg[addr_width:0] cnt;
cnt = clr? (en ? cnt : (cnt + 1)) : 0;
cnt = cnt;
cnt = cnt + 1;
cnt = 0;
gray[addr_width] = 0 ^ cnt[addr_width];
gray[addr_width - 1] = cnt[addr_width] ^ cnt[addr_width - 1];
gray[addr_width - 2] = cnt[addr_width - 1] ^ cnt[addr_width - 2];
gray[addr_width - 3] = cnt[addr_width - 2] ^ cnt[addr_width - 3];
gray[addr_width - 4] = cnt[addr_width - 3] ^ cnt[addr_width - 4];
gray[addr_width - 5] = cnt[addr_width - 4] ^ cnt[addr_width - 5];
gray[addr_width - 6] = cnt[addr_width - 5] ^ cnt[addr_width - 6];
gray[addr_width - 7] = cnt[addr_width - 6] ^ cnt[addr_width - 7];
gray[addr_width - 8] = cnt[addr_width - 7] ^ cnt[addr_width - 8];
gray[addr_width - 9] = cnt[addr_width - 8] ^ cnt[addr_width - 9];
function[addr_width:0] gray1;
input clr;
input en;
reg[addr_width:0] cnt;
cnt = clr? (en ? cnt : (cnt + 1)) : 0;
cnt = cnt;
cnt = cnt + 1;
cnt = 0;
gray1[addr_width] = 0 ^ cnt[addr_width];
gray1[addr_width - 1] = cnt[addr_width] ^ cnt[addr_width - 1];
gray1[addr_width - 2] = cnt[addr_width - 1] ^ cnt[addr_width - 2];
gray1[addr_width - 3] = cnt[addr_width - 2] ^ cnt[addr_width - 3];
gray1[addr_width - 4] = cnt[addr_width - 3] ^ cnt[addr_width - 4];
gray1[addr_width - 5] = cnt[addr_width - 4] ^ cnt[addr_width - 5];
gray1[addr_width - 6] = cnt[addr_width - 5] ^ cnt[addr_width - 6];
gray1[addr_width - 7] = cnt[addr_width - 6] ^ cnt[addr_width - 7];
gray1[addr_width - 8] = cnt[addr_width - 7] ^ cnt[addr_width - 8];
gray1[addr_width - 9] = cnt[addr_width - 8] ^ cnt[addr_width - 9];
Implementation: fifo
#Fri Oct 07 20:28:46 2011
<a name=compilerReport56>$ Start of Compile</a>
#Fri Oct 07 20:28:46 2011
Synplicity Verilog Compiler, version 1.0, Build 037R, built Oct 30 2008
Copyright (C) 1994-2008, Synplicity Inc. All Rights Reserved
Verilog syntax check successful!
File E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v changed - recompiling
Selecting top level module fifo
@N:<a href="@N:CG364 XP_HELP">CG364</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:1:7:1:11 N:CG364 XP_MSG">fifo.v(1)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Synthesizing module fifo
@N:<a href="@N:CL134:@XP_HELP">CL134</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:21:1:21:7:@N:CL134:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(21)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Found RAM remb, depth=1024, width=8
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <9> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <8> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <7> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <6> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <5> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <4> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <3> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <2> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <1> of rd_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <9> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <8> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <7> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <6> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <5> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <4> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <3> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <2> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL171:@XP_HELP">CL171</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL171:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register bit <1> of wt_p[9:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL189:@XP_HELP">CL189</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL189:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Register bit wt_p[0] is always 0, optimizing ...</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL189:@XP_HELP">CL189</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL189:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Register bit rd_p[0] is always 0, optimizing ...</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL169:@XP_HELP">CL169</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:35:1:35:7:@W:CL169:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(35)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register wt_p[0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL169:@XP_HELP">CL169</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:41:1:41:7:@W:CL169:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(41)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register rd_p[0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL190:@XP_HELP">CL190</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:76:1:76:7:@W:CL190:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(76)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Optimizing register bit empty to a constant 1</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL190:@XP_HELP">CL190</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:65:1:65:7:@W:CL190:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(65)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Optimizing register bit full to a constant 0</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL169:@XP_HELP">CL169</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:65:1:65:7:@W:CL169:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(65)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register full </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL169:@XP_HELP">CL169</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:76:1:76:7:@W:CL169:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(76)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register empty </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL169:@XP_HELP">CL169</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:21:1:21:7:@W:CL169:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(21)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Pruning Register remb[7:0] </font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL159:@XP_HELP">CL159</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:8:7:8:11:@W:CL159:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(8)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Input clka is unused</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL159:@XP_HELP">CL159</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:8:21:8:26:@W:CL159:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(8)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Input rd_en is unused</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL159:@XP_HELP">CL159</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:8:27:8:32:@W:CL159:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(8)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Input wt_en is unused</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL159:@XP_HELP">CL159</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:8:17:8:20:@W:CL159:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(8)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Input clr is unused</font>
<font color=#A52A2A>@W:<a href="@W:CL159:@XP_HELP">CL159</a> : <a href="E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:9:16:9:19:@W:CL159:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(9)</a><!@TM:1317990527> | Input din is unused</font>
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Fri Oct 07 20:28:47 2011
<a name=mapperReport57>Synplicity Xilinx Technology Mapper, Version 9.6, Build 033R, Built Oct 30 2008 18:01:10</a>
Copyright (C) 1994-2008, Synplicity Inc. All Rights Reserved
Product Version Version 9.6.2
@N:<a href="@N:MF249:@XP_HELP">MF249</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | Running in 32-bit mode.
@N:<a href="@N:MF257:@XP_HELP">MF257</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | Gated clock conversion enabled
Reading Xilinx I/O pad type table from file [F:\worksoft\synplicity\fpga_962\lib\xilinx\x_io_tbl.txt]
Reading Xilinx Rocket I/O parameter type table from file [F:\worksoft\synplicity\fpga_962\lib\xilinx\gttype.txt]
Finished RTL optimizations (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 94MB)
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[7] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[6] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[5] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[4] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[3] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[2] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[1] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
@N:<a href="@N:BN116:@XP_HELP">BN116</a> : <a href="e:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo.v:28:1:28:7:@N:BN116:@XP_MSG">fifo.v(28)</a><!@TM:1317990528> | Removing sequential instance dout[0] of view:UNILIB.FDCPE(PRIM) because there are no references to its outputs
Finished factoring (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 94MB)
Instance in Generated Clock Optimization Status
Finished gated-clock and generated-clock conversion (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 94MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 1 (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Starting Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Finished Early Timing Optimization (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Finished generic timing optimizations - Pass 2 (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Finished preparing to map (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Finished technology mapping (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Pass CPU time Worst Slack Luts / Registers
Pass CPU time Worst Slack Luts / Registers
Net buffering Report for view:work.fifo(verilog):
No nets needed buffering.
Finished technology timing optimizations and critical path resynthesis (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
@N:<a href="@N:FX164:@XP_HELP">FX164</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | The option to pack flops in the IOB has not been specified
Finished restoring hierarchy (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Writing Analyst data base E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo\fifo.srm
@N:<a href="@N:BN225:@XP_HELP">BN225</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | Writing default property annotation file E:\sim_test\synplify\fifo\fifo\fifo.map.
Finished Writing Netlist Databases (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files
Reading Xilinx net attributes from file [F:\worksoft\synplicity\fpga_962\lib\xilinx\netattr.txt]
Version 9.6.2
Finished Writing EDIF Netlist and constraint files (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Starting Writing Gated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
@N:<a href="@N:MF276:@XP_HELP">MF276</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | Gated clock conversion enabled, but no gated clocks found in design
Finished Writing Gated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Starting Writing Generated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
@N:<a href="@N:MF333:@XP_HELP">MF333</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | Generated clock conversion enabled, but no generated clocks found in design
Finished Writing Generated Clock Conversion Report (Time elapsed 0h:00m:00s; Memory used current: 94MB peak: 95MB)
Found clock fifo|clkb with period 25.00ns
<a name=timingReport58>##### START OF TIMING REPORT #####[</a>
# Timing Report written on Fri Oct 07 20:28:48 2011
Top view: fifo
Requested Frequency: 40.0 MHz
Wire load mode: top
Paths requested: 5
Constraint File(s):
@N:<a href="@N:MT320:@XP_HELP">MT320</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | This timing report estimates place and route data. Please look at the place and route timing report for final timing..
@N:<a href="@N:MT322:@XP_HELP">MT322</a> : <!@TM:1317990528> | Clock constraints cover only FF-to-FF paths associated with the clock..
<a name=performanceSummary59> erformance Summary </a>
Worst slack in design: NA
<a name=clockRelationships60>Clock Relationships</a>
Clocks | rise to rise | fall to fall | rise to fall | fall to rise
Starting Ending | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack | constraint slack
Note: 'No paths' indicates there are no paths in the design for that pair of clock edges.
'Diff grp' indicates that paths exist but the starting clock and ending clock are in different clock groups.
<a name=interfaceInfo61>Interface Information </a>
No IO constraint found
<a name=resourceUsage62>Resource Usage Report for fifo </a>
Mapping to part: xc2v1000bg575-6
Cell usage:
GND 1 use
VCC 1 use
I/O ports: 23
I/O primitives: 10
OBUF 10 uses
I/O Register bits: 0
Register bits not including I/Os: 0 (0%)
Total load per clock:
Mapping Summary:
Total LUTs: 0 (0%)
Mapper successful!
Process took 0h:00m:01s realtime, 0h:00m:01s cputime
# Fri Oct 07 20:28:48 2011
在线等待······· |
function描述有问题,function需是组合逻辑才可综合,但你 里面的cnt是什么?可以改一种描述方式,把cnt拿到function外面来。
另外,你的部分always语句敏感列表中有negedge clr,但是没有对应的if(!clr)分支。