正确答案:This error may occur on newer Linux distributions such as Fedora if the computer's hostname is missing in the /etc/hosts file. To resolve this confirm that the /etc/hosts file has an entry for the hostname of the computer. For example, if the computer's hostname is "license1", you should have the following line in the /etc/hosts/ file:
This error may occur on newer Linux distributions such as Fedora if the computer's hostname is missing in the /etc/hosts file. To resolve this confirm that the /etc/hosts file has an entry for the hostname of the computer. For example, if the computer's hostname is "license1", you should have the following line in the /etc/hosts/ file:
回复 8#xhwubai
我输入./lmdown -c .../license.dat后弹出错误:Shutdown failed: Cannot connect to license server system. (-15,570:115 "Operation now in progress")