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entity smultadd1 is
port (clk_regbt,clk_reg: in std_logic:
x0,x1,x2,y0,y1:in std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
yout: out std_logic_vector(9 downto 0));
end smultadd1;
architecture behav of smultadd1 is
signal tan,tbn,tp2n:std_logic;
signal cnt: std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal ta,tb,taa,tbb:std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);
signal tmpa,tmpb:std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal tp:std_logic_vector(18 downto 0);
signal tpp:std_logic_vector,22 downto 0);
signal ytmp,p:std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
constant a0:std_logic_vector(9 downto 0:=“0000011100”
tp2n<=tan xor tbn;--求补后送阵列乘法器
taa<=not ta +‘1’ when (tan=‘1’) else ta;
tbb<=not tb +‘1’ when (tbn=‘1’) else tb;
tpp<=‘1’&‘1’&‘1’&‘1’& not tp +‘1’ when(tp2n=‘1’) else tp;
tmpa<=a0 when cnt=0 else
a1 when cnt=1 else
a2 when cnt=2 else
b0 when cnt=3 else
b1 when cnt=4 else (others=>‘0’);
tmpb<=x0 when cnt=0 else
x1 when cnt=1 else
x2 when cnt=2 else
y0 when cnt=3 else
y1 when cnt=4 else (others=>‘0’);
ta<=tmpa(8 downto 0);tb<=tmpb(8 downto 0);
p<=(others=>‘0’) when (tmpb=“0000000000”) else
tp2n & tpp;
process (clk_reg,clk_regbt)
if clk_reg=‘1’ then cnt<=“000”;ytmp<=(others=>‘0’);
elsif (clk_regbt’event and clk_regbt=‘1’) then
if cnt<5 then cnt<=cnt+1;ytmp<=ytmp+p;
elsif (cnt=5) then
if ytmp(7)=‘1’ then
yout(8 downto 0)<=ytmp(16 downto 8)+1;
else yout(8 downto 0)<=ytmp(16 downto 8);
yout(9)<=ytmp(23); end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end behav; |