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Failed to get license key 'Milkyway'. (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,147))
Failed to get license key 'MDataPrep'. (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,147))
Failed to get license key 'Astro'. (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,147))
Failed to get license key 'Apollo'. (License server system does not support this feature. (-18,147))
License initialization failed
Connection to IPC server failed.
Starting IPC Server. (Port = 1924)
IPC Server started successfully.
No PseudoColor Visual avaiable, try TrueColor instead
Starting a non page replacement mode Milkyway db session...
是license的问题还是环境变量设置的问题?那里可以找到Astro2007.03-SP10版本的license?与DC200809共用一个license(DC可以正常启动)也是这个问题,各位大虾帮帮忙啊 |